Protesters target New York gay weddings

Protesters target New York gay weddings

Church groups, anti-gay politicians and anti-marriage equality organisations will join forces on Sunday to protest against the first official day of legal same-sex marriage in New York.

The National Organisation for Marriage (NOM) will protest marriage equality around the state on July 24, including Manhattan, Brooklyn and The Bronx, while Democratic Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr – one of the biggest opponents to same-sex marriage in the state senate – called on “thousands” of New Yorkers to attend a protest at Governor Andrew Cuomo’s New York City office.

The rally will culminate in a march to the United Nations.

“I am not keeping quiet on this,” Diaz told New York’s Daily News. “We will continue this fight and we will struggle to get what’s right.”

In the most upsetting of all the planned protests however, is a pledge by Westboro Baptist Church to target the offices where people will actually be getting married.

In a change of tack for Fred Phelps’ notorious group – who usually picket funerals – the infamous ‘God Hates Fags’ protesters seem intent on turning their attention to gay weddings.

The group’s website has listed its plans to picket numerous city government offices where people plan to wed on Sunday, right in the faces of same-sex couples.

The post on their website reads:

“WBC will picket the reprobates of fag-infested New York state to remind them that God defined marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman for life. That means NO fag marriage, no dyke marriage and no divorce + remarriage! For their defiance of their Lord, New Yorkers will suffer the wrath of God being poured out on them from the sky, just as others in history who have followed this path experienced.”

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35 responses to “Protesters target New York gay weddings”

  1. Voice of Common Sense,

    Now you are just like my plumber who said “Dave, I don’t like gays, but LOVE lesbians”.

    I can live with that!


  2. Now I know you’re joking. “Opposition” refers to those who oppose you, not what you oppose. Now I’m willing account for a certain level of stupidity but that one is too over the top to have been a real error.

    In any case, marriages are contracts for mutual support. Some work well, others don’t. Failed marriages do not mock the institution of marriage any more than failed contracts denigrate the practice of writing contracts. Failed marriages, rather, reflect poorly on their participants.

    But this isn’t about marriage and never has been. As for you and your “girl” and other lesbian couples holding hands in public – I doubt they were even given a second thought by the marchers outside the NYC courthouses. As I recall from more than a few surveys that have shown up in the news over the last 30 years or so, public antipathy toward lesbian couples is never in the same league as toward your lady-boy brothers. So you make take heart in that

  3. As a homosexual I read it as an attack on ME. Capital letters and all. You have a strange idea of how qualifiers work.
    As for an observation about my opposition…. Do you know what my opposition is? Let me tell you, I am vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage. I don’t believe heterosexuals set the benchmark for non-heterosexual relationships. It’s simplistic and insulting. In the 21st century, the government shouldn’t be licensing our private lives.
    Furthermore, it’s heterosexuals themselves that have made a mockery of marriage. Letting the gays in is the final humiliation for them. Whilst I love to see you and your ilk squirm I will not be persuaded to support gay marriage.

    PS; While you’re repulsed by two guys holding hands have you ever thought that many women are repulsed by lesbians (not to mention the men who fantasise about them)? Think about it.

  4. Looks like Mary hates homophobia. Looks to me like she gets all defensive when she is picked on, throwing little homo hissy fits. Must be terible having homophobes write into here telling you, you make them sick.

    Be strong girl Mary, you can take it.

  5. Actually the full sentence reads “They are all about the fact that a lot of we simple heterosexuals get SICK TO OUR STOMACH AND WANT TO VOMIT when we see two guys holding hands, showing affection, or doing anything that reminds us that homosexuality exists.” Funny that you chose to leave out the qualifier. And no, that isn’t a tirade. It is an observation and a very common one at that. Once again you demonstrate some difficulty with reading-comprehension. A tirade would be an attack on YOU, not an observation about your opposition. Read the words for what they are, not what you wish them to be.