Getting freaky

Getting freaky

Nothing better than a long weekend is there? Diving into Friday with the thought of three luxurious days off to do whatever you like — and there was plenty to do.

Every long weekend, showgirls run around like headless chooks. The Monday is down time and spent on the lounge with junk food and the television on.

My weekend was no different. I found myself running from job to job, hoping the rain would ease just enough for me to jump out of a cab or run up the hill to work without getting saturated.

On Saturday night I was lucky enough to return to the Newtown Hotel to perform, and it was the campest thing I have ever seen. The Newtown Hotel has re-opened up with a Freaky Tiki theme, complete with fake grass on the ground, bamboo bar, umbrellas and some of the biggest bowls of punch I have ever seen! There is even an old rickshaw in the corner you can drink your bowls of punch in.

It reminded me of the scene from Muriel’s Wedding, where the girls are all in a club in Porpoise Spit, drinking cocktails with little umbrellas in them, and they let Muriel finish her Orgasm before kicking her out of the group.

With The Rocky Horror Picture Show on the screens, then Priscilla, the campness never stopped.

The stage was just a tiny podium wheeled in before the show so I don’t think shows will be a regular thing there. But there is enough going on around the room that a rare show is just a bonus.

The crowd was a healthy mix of gay boys and girls and straighty 180s.

But with so much campness going on, I’m not sure why more of the gay boys haven’t made it their home again. Freaky Tiki isn’t a permanent fixture of the Newtown. They will be renovating the whole hotel but keeping it organic rather than new and over-shiny, with a fabulous restaurant upstairs.

Now I know I’m going to get the haters writing in, complaining that I’m self-promoting, but I truly love this venue and want more gay boys to go there. It’s a fabulous experience and a good laugh.

Maybe if the complainers went to Freaky Tiki for a jumbo punch they wouldn’t have time to be at their keyboards all the time.

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