Tworn this way

Tworn this way

If you’re really still, just for a moment, you can feel a change in the air. A chill may edge its way up your spine. It’s the calm before the storm. Yes, something is happening.

Straight people are looking at you!

It’s time to sparkle. Mardi Gras is just around the corner. And it’s time to Say Something.

You can smell the fear among religious hatemongers like the Australian Christian Lobby, Victoria’s Attorney-General Robert Clark and Peter ‘Vote for Me’ Madden from the CDP.

Many heterosexuals will come to gawk. Others will celebrate with us. Some will get their freak on. Whatever their pleasure, chances are they’ll go home to relatively comfy, unchallenged, beige lives.

For us, the stakes are higher. We have some stuff to say. And Mardi Gras bequeaths a global audience. Of course it’s a celebration. But it’s also our chance to dispatch another peaceful plea for equality.

With Mardi Gras imploring us to Say Something this year, the world is our stage. Yes, make way for a colourful bunch of ordinary — yet extraordinary — people, who simply seek acceptance. Could equality actually be on the horizon?

Most Australians support same-sex marriage. Another pollie recently joined the growing throng backing marriage equality. So what’s the problem with these other homophobic twits? Speaking of twits, I’m giving Twitter another twirl. After

Lady Gaga hatched from an egg and performed the contentious Born This Way at the Grammys, the kook in me simply had to follow her.

Likewise, you can follow my scintillating pearls of wisdom @damientweeting. Plus, tune into SSO’s tweets @star_observer.  If it’s your first Mardi Gras, you should totally get involved. Say Something. Yell from building tops, write your local member. Blog, post, tweet. We’ve been second-class citizens for too long.

Equality today — and once I hit a squillion Twitter followers — tomorrow, the world!

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4 responses to “Tworn this way”

  1. i always get a laugh seeing the xtians cruising gay sites…. make a few nasty comments, quote a passage or two for the bible….. peruse the scene pics and have a bit of a tug ?

    they do not even make sense…. jesus taught to love thy neighbour….. most reasonable xtians do not hate us as it is against the teachings of christ

    at best, the haters are misguided hypocrites…. at worst, they are evil, self interested hazards to humanity !


  2. Loved Gaga’s entrance at The Grammys. I heard that she was supposed to hatch on the red carpet but got trapped inside lol I am also loving her new single and I do not care if it sounds like Express Yourself, it is still a cranking housey/rave/anthem pop gem. It will be big.

    Australia is really dragging the chain on the matter of equality. I get worried about these religious retards, and whether we are becomming more and more like the US every day I fear ?