Baz Luhrmann’s Daughter Talks About Rumours Surrounding Her Father’s Sexuality

Baz Luhrmann’s Daughter Talks About Rumours Surrounding Her Father’s Sexuality
Image: Baz Luhrmann/Facebook

Australian film director Baz Luhrmann’s daughter Lily has recently spoken up about the speculation about her father’s sexuality.

The 19-year-old was recently asked on the Under the Gloss podcast when did she realised that her parents were a famous movie director and Oscar-winning costume designer.

Lily stated that she recalled that back in 2013, at 10 years old she was followed to school by the paparazzi all because the media was speculating if Luhrmann was gay due to sleeping in a separate bedroom from his wife.

“They were bullying my dad there for a little bit there,” she said on the podcast.

“I specifically remember there was a time where I was driving in the car and on the radio, this guy was like, ‘Today we’re gonna be discussing, is Baz Luhrmann gay? Breaking news: (they) sleep in two different bedrooms.’

And when she had arrived at school that day, Lily was ambushed by questions all concerning her father and his sexuality.

“That was the first time I felt not embarrassed, but more just like, ‘Why are people talking about my dad? Why are they making fun?’ And the kids at school were like, ‘Well, your parents sleep in two different bedrooms; your dad’s gay.’ I’m like, ‘They just have different sleeping schedules!'”

Luhrmann spoke about the reasons for the separate bedrooms in 2014 to the Daily Mail Australia were that they both “need space” and “time to ourselves.”

12 responses to “Baz Luhrmann’s Daughter Talks About Rumours Surrounding Her Father’s Sexuality”

  1. Absolutely nobody’s business! What a ridiculous question from the press! Bullying is what this is! Baz is a beautiful and talented Man! His sexuality has nothing to do with anything! Stop hounding people because they ‘May be Gay’! If he is great, if he isn’t, great! And, as someone else said, no one questioned the Queen of England and her hubby got sleeping on separate bedrooms! FFS!

  2. What a lot of turkeys these press lot are! They want to have a close look at themselves, and ask the same stupid questions they intend to throw at others! Of course they can’t answer, thinking what a stupid question! But still they follow the pack of drones to see whose going to get a pic for the next headline mews to get a payment from the news barons.

  3. What a joke … I don’t really think many people would be too upset sleeping with Baz, in fact, quite the fantasy I guess – but then comes the dawn with it’s aching reality, and still the question. Frankly I think the question is much more interesting than the reality, and the dreaming more appropriate. I still love you Baz.

  4. The late Queen Elizabeth II and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh slept in separate bedrooms. But this didn’t lead to discussion about whether THE DUKE was gay or not! Sleeping in separate bedrooms is not uncommon among upper-class British couples.

  5. Who cares? My Mum and Dad had separate beds in separate rooms by choice because my Dad snored very loudly and he also had to get up every morning at around 5.30 to get to work.
    I and my late partner of 30 years also had separate bedrooms, simply because I was a shift worker and had different working hours.
    It did not stop us being intimate in fact if anything it made us closer!
    Why is this news? Leave Baz Luhrmann and his wife’s sleeping arrangements alone for they are no-one else’s business but theirs.

  6. it just hows how narrow minded the persons of the press are when they have to dig into personal area of where a person is sleeping….who care really??… he makes great films so keep it up if that is what it takes … as for his sexuality again who cares, it is his life and his alone… there they go again labeling people what a bunch of turkeys they are!! …but there again people in glass houses should not throw stones i can bet!!

  7. i know many couples that sleep in different beds including different rooms. this includes gay couples. some people like their own space for many reasons.

  8. Baz Luhrmann is hot, I would sleep with him. He deserves the award for hottest Australian daddy.

  9. I’m not gay, and I prefer to sleep separately from my wife. It allows for more excitement when I go to bed with my wife. It stops you from becoming immune to each other’s body – and you actually get proper sleep.

  10. I know of several couple who have separate rooms
    Doesn’t mean anything other than they like own space or shift work or snores, who cares that is private for eavh couple.

  11. My parents sleep in two different bedrooms and they’re definitely as anti-gay as you can get! One reason was because my Mum snores and she kept waking my Dad up at night. Other reasons are personal space and differing sleeping patterns. Often times my Dad would sleep with Mum whenever either of them would feel lonely. But gay? They are entirely oblivious to their actions.