Church backs marriage equality

Church backs marriage equality

The Ecumenical Catholic Church of Australia has come out strongly in support of both civil and religious same-sex marriage.

In a statement provided to the Star Observer, Archbishop Ronald Langham wrote that following the “historic and courageous” vote on same-sex marriage in New York, “the New York State Catholic Conference stated that the granting of marriage rights to same-sex persons will ‘alter radically and forever humanity’s historic understanding of marriage’.

“They are of course right. Where they err is in the premise that this is a bad thing.

“It is not the position of all Christian churches that same-sex activity or marriage cannot be a life-giving and Holy experience … Science and medicine have long ago settled the question of the ‘normalcy’ of homosexuality.

“The Ecumenical Catholic Church of Australia is one church that does not share the fear of sexuality, intimacy, love and commitment that same-sex couples are able to experience.

“The time for argument on matters such as homosexuality or same-sex marriage is past.

Langham said now was a time for both “action and rejoicing”.

“Action that impels politicians in Australia to join the real world and find some political guts, and rejoicing that celebrates the beauty of same-gender commitment and the desire to express that commitment in the same way as any other couple.

“[S]ame-sex marriage will reinforce the concept of marriage that calls for a lifelong commitment between two people who love and care for each other.”

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10 responses to “Church backs marriage equality”

  1. to Sweet Water,

    My understanding was for the followers to abide by the rulings and decisions of church elders. What makes you think that you know better than an Arch Bishop. Wont you burn in hell or something to questioning an elder who is supposedly a chosen representative of God on earth?

  2. Take heart folks – to have flushed out a hater means the campaign is working!

  3. @ Sweet Water.

    In your Popcorn Theology dreams Sweet Heart!

    The message from Jesus was simple. “If two people together or more, break bread in my name, there I will be there among you, and that means everyone Sweet Water. He spoke out about the well dressed ones that sit up in the front pews, and start boasting how good they have been, and judging others.

    Jesus never mentioned anything about Gays or Pillars or salt or NOAH”S tripe.
    He was always in the company of your so called, “sinners” the sick, the marginalized and the Oppressed. He released us from your old, blood and guts testaments that you spew.

    He even allows us to spill our seed on the ground, and a good idea too, seeing the world is overpopulated with religious thugs.

    Sounds like you belong to one of those rejuvenated, born-again Hollywood Temples, whose directors climb every Paramount to deliver the Gospel according to Warner.

    Your Churches have been so busy collecting gold and silver, holding Bingo nights that they have missed the second cumming.
    Pass the Tissues.

  4. Sweet Water

    What makes your belief better than mine? For example the story of Sodom is about yourself. Lot offers the strangers visiting up for rape, it is the story of not being hospitable to strangers. So from my perspective, the perspective of many theologians, you are a committing the sin of Sodom. It is your actions you should be worried about.

    Scientist can genetically replicate Same-Sex attracted Fruit Flies, and lesbian mice, but the again homosexuality is a natural act. This is about you being a fundamentalist, imposing your view of Christianity onto other Christians and other people, and abusing them calling them sinners and saying the world will end if people do not follow what you say.

    Everyone has a right to their own beliefs, but when you are trying to demand others follow yours, and call them names, you are covering yourself with a bucket of hate. Budhist, Muslims, other Christians, and Atheist all have a right not to be abused by you, or you have your beliefs imposed onto them. Imagine Australia if we all fought over religion.

  5. Dear ‘sweet’ Water,

    Any man who shaves off his sideburns, anyone who eats seafood, any family who does not slaughter a lamb a year after the birth of their child, are breaking the laws of leviticus as much as any sexually active homosexual man. Women are not mentioned in the laws, so support for Lesbians marrying cannot be damned with leviticus. I have never seen a decent sideburn amongst the Australian clergy. I am sure they served the pope a good platter of pacific prawns when he visited. As for lamb slaughter … I think most Aussies leave that to the butcher these days. We’re all sinners ‘sweetie’, but some of us think we’re better sinners than others it seems. There is no place for your attitudes, not even in a museum.

  6. Jesus is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH and HIS CHILDREN are part of his body, that is what a church IS. Anyone who is claiming to be part of the body should not support ANY SIN, INcluding this one.ANYONE who is claiming to KNOW GOD and is part of any of this DOES NOT know him…. SHAME ON THOSE,the lord rebuke anyone who IS Taking part of this end time babaylon movement and SUPPORTING these movments. This is JUST LIKE THE DAYS OF SODOM AND THE DAYS OF LOT AND NOAH. Repent and turn back to the lord before it is too late for your souls… These are definetly the days of LOT, NOAH, SODOM… those who have ears to hear, hear.

  7. The Australian Christian Lobby has page after page of Same-Sex Marriage stories, showing an obsession with our community. From my experience,this is a case of what the great country western singer, Willie Nelson song goes, “The one who shouts loudest are most likely queer”, in his song Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other.

    Perhaps Fred Niles and Jim Wallace both share a secret about each other? Good luck fishing boys!

  8. Bishop Ron is my ordaining Bishop and the one for whom I work as priest. Proud of you +Ron!!

  9. My Anglican Bishop supports Same-Sex Marriage as do a majority of Christians in Australia as poll after poll shows us.