Toy Story 2

Toy Story 2

I was sitting up at the kitchen bench and Dawn was putting away the boys’ clothes in their rooms. She returned giggling.

“John, you have to take a look in Chicky’s room — it’s so funny.”

I casually wandered in. There on the floor next to Chicky’s bed were Woody and Jess in an embrace. Woody and Jess were face-to-face and Woody’s leg and arms were embracing his cowgirl.

I covered my mouth to stop the gasp when I saw Jess’ clothes were taken off and carefully placed next to her. She was starkers.

I sat down at the bench and Dawn and I laughed at the harmlessness but were slightly perturbed by where he got that idea from.

“Hey Chick,” I called out. “I think Woody likes kissing Jess in your room. Good lord, man, but can she at least keep her clothes on?”

His head popped up with a very definite cheeky grin.

Chick led the way proudly to show Beau what he’d done, and they giggled as I expected.

“Hey, perhaps Buzz can join in?” I yelled.

“John! Stop that, you’re shocking,” Dawn giggled.

“Nah, Dad. They are getting married.” They resumed playing in the lounge room.

“Oh right, so that’s the end to that kind of thing then, isn’t it?” I grinned to myself nefariously.

Later that night as the boys slept, Dawn and I sat watching television. We were still giggling about what must have been going on in Chick’s head to have put the toys in that compromising position.

“Ha! imagine when they are older, Dawn, like big scary teenagers — then tell me what you’ll trip over in their bedrooms.”

We laughed and checked on the men, sleeping under about 20 soft toys. Angels asleep, and very definitely little devils awake.

INFO: Follow John on Twitter @daddydearest_

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