I want Candy

I want Candy

Queer performance poet Candy Royalle will perform her new show, Love Spectacular, at the intimate Madame Fling Flong’s in Newtown on Sunday, September 19 at 6.30pm and Monday, September 20 at 8pm.

Love Spectacular is a confronting, sexually-charged journey into the euphoric highs and the dark depths of queer love using song, storytelling and dynamic poetry.

info: Visit www.thesydneyfringe.com.au

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One response to “I want Candy”

  1. Went and saw Candy Royalle at Fling Flongs recently and was absolutely blown away. Didn’t think I was a big poetry fan but her performance, delivery and content were totally unique, inspiring, powerful, energetic…I could go on. I would suggest anyone go see her if you get the chance.