Ex-gay admits he was wrong

Ex-gay admits he was wrong

The former director of the oldest and largest ‘ex-gay’ Christian ministry in the United States has admitted he had never met a person who had been able to change their sexuality — least of all himself.

“I’ve never met a man who experienced a change from homosexual to heterosexual,” former Love in Action director John Smidt wrote on his blog. “I would consider myself homosexual and yet in a marriage with a woman.”

He does not plan to heave his wife but wrote, “this doesn’t change the fact that I am who I am and she is who she is”.

Smidt recently attended Memphis Pride with a group of Christians who apologised to members of the LGBTI community for the way Christianity has treated sexual minorities. “I’m sorry for the way I have been a part of the rejection, the confusion and the judgment that has come into your life,” the sign he carried read.

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9 responses to “Ex-gay admits he was wrong”

  1. The Big Lie of “straights-rights” and “gay-bullying” is the latest cultural war effort. Watch for more of this warped evil.

  2. Sad but very typical. Typical of a person who is ashamed of their own self to then condemn others for the same. Typical homophobe….

  3. ‘Christian victims’? That is hilarious. They did to get off the cross. Someone else needs the wood.

  4. There is nothing ‘brave’ about it.
    The right wing in the US has largely whipped the gay card to a pulp.
    They’re looking for a new enemy.
    What has backfired is how thru their constant gay vilification they have kept the gay theme burning in the media for 30 years starting with Reagan and his breathtaking silence on the beginnings of the AIDS epidemic.
    The relentless hatred from the right and evangelical christians has turned around and has them on the back foot.
    You’ll notice Jim Wallace and the bigots at ACL(aust. christian Lobby) are now talking about being ‘christan victims’ of the ‘powerful gay lobby.’ It’s so roll-eyes-laughable, it’ beyond belief!

  5. Yes it is sad but it is also very brave frankly I wish a lot more men would be as honest and as brave.

  6. All for the sake of ‘socalled’ right-wing, heterosexual, religious respectablility! Makes one want to vomit!