Gay marriage inquiry for Scotland

Gay marriage inquiry for Scotland

The Scottish government has launched a same-sex marriage consultation, including inquiries into religious ceremonies of civil partnerships, stating its initial view was that same-sex marriage should be introduced.

Currently, same-sex couples can obtain legal recognition of their relationship in Scotland through entering into civil partnerships, but the ceremonies may not take place in religious premises and can only be registered by civil registrars.

Scottish Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said a recent Scottish Social Attitudes survey found that more than 60 percent of people in Scotland felt that same-sex couples should have the right to marry, compared to 19 percent who disagreed, BBC News reported.

“In publishing the consultation today, we are setting out our initial view. We tend towards the view that same-sex marriage should be introduced,” Sturgeon said.

Earlier this year the issue of gay marriage sparked a row within the Scottish National Party (SNP) after nationalist MSP John Mason tabled a parliamentary motion stating that no person or organisation should be forced to be involved in or to approve of same-sex marriage.

The Scottish government said it would meet interested groups and organisations to discuss the issues surrounding same sex marriage during the consultation period.

Following the consultation, if a decision is taken to change the law, a bill could be introduced to the Scottish Parliament in 2013.

“Although the government has set out its initial view, we give an absolute assurance that all views will be listened to. No final views have been reached and no decisions have been taken.”
Practical issues,” Sturgeon said.

Responding to the launch of the consultation, Mike Judge from Scotland’s Christian Institute said: “All the legal rights of marriage are already available to homosexual couples through civil partnership registrations.”

“This is not about rights, this is about redefining marriage for the whole of society at the behest of a small minority of activists.”

Scottish citizens can make submissions to the inquiry over the next 14 weeks

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7 responses to “Gay marriage inquiry for Scotland”

  1. Oliver the lies of Jim Wallace are not welcome.

    Ancient China had Same-Sex Marriage, and so did ancient Rome. In fact the first documented law against it was in AD 349.

    Dare I go on and on. Long after you die, it will continue, and how does this effect you?

  2. this is where I cant understand the logic of the Gay comminity sometimes. If you go way back to ancient times in the beginning days of wedding ceremonies, they were only created for those who had potential to procreate or for women who were already pregnant. It was purely a mans ownership of a woman, to keep her from trouble. In 2011 nothing much has changed there and you want to fight to keep this? Oh brother!

  3. Ronson,

    Thanks for the post!

    Looks like Jim Wallace needs to learn not to make bombs using the internet. His hate bomb seems to of exploded in his face, taking out most of the Australian Christian Lobby in the process.


  4. In the year 2011, where people want to move forward and want change yet people are fighting for marriage which is a centuries old ceremony based on ownership.

  5. Scotland investigates equality, while Labor and Liberal shoot the bitter venom of Christian Fundamentalist into our face, coupled with an atheist Prime Minister telling us to look up lessons in the Bible.

    The truth that will set you free is, they do not even support giving us the protection of the Federal Equal Opportunity Act. That would be a no brainer you would think, but not with this mob of conservative swill. We are not treated as citizens as far as that goes, so forgive me if I cannot swallow the morality excuses to deny us justice- the argument from Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard we are not really Australians, do not really pay taxes, and do not really matter. This is why I vote Green, as I am treated equally, not as some half Australian, or sort of Australian, but because I am Australian. We deserve equality and social justice just like any person.

    The wickedness of Labor and Liberal is demonstrated by their policies to exclude us from fundamental protections of law. So well done Scotland, at least you are not sitting on your arse spraying the venom of a religious zealot, at least you care.

  6. So even the lovely but often staid Scots are going to beat us to marriage equality.

    I’m kind of shocked at just how conservative and negative we’ve become in this nation as a whole. It’s hard to believe we were once the leaders in many social issues.