Grindr Unwrapped Survey Confirms That Aussies Are Horny – ‘Right Now!’

Grindr Unwrapped Survey Confirms That Aussies Are Horny –  ‘Right Now!’
Image: Photo by christian buehner on Unsplash

The annual Grindr Unwrapped survey confirms that Aussies are a horny bunch, like, RIGHT NOW! 

Australia was awarded the silver for ‘Highest % looking for Right Now’, right behind America in the Grindr Unwrapped survey for 2021. The ’Right Now’ tag might be a total fallacy – despite having that Tag on their profile, Grindr users know very few are actually looking for Right Now! Instead, most will muck you around to absolute distraction.

Accepts NSFW Pics – Yes Please!

Unsurprisingly, we Aussies are also quite fond of a cheeky d*#k pic, as evidenced by the fact that our only gold medal in the Grindr Unwrapped survey was in the coveted ‘Highest % accepts NSFW pics’ category – GO TEAM! China got the silver for that one with the USA coming in for the bronze.

(Speaking of China, did you know that Grindr was owned by Chinese video game development firm, Kunlun Tech Co Ltd from 2016 until it was forced by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to be sold back to a U.S. based entity in 2020, because of fears that having the app owned by a Chinese company posed a national security risk?)

A whopping 82 million expiring photos were sent, on average, per month.

Tops, Bottoms And Vers

The ‘Highest % of Tops, Bottoms and Vers’ certainly made for interesting reading, with the Philippines, Vietnam and Venezuela topping the three lists respectively, with China having the second-highest percentage of bottoms and Romania fifth from the top of countries with the highest percentage of versatile gentleman.

Australia dropped out of the running in the Top/Bottom/Versatile stakes, where we featured fifth on the list for ‘Highest % of Vers’ in last year’s Grindr Unwrapped survey.

It’s encouraging and awe-inspiring that some of the countries that made the top 5 in the categories listed by the Grindr Unwrapped survey have even made an appearance, considering that in countries such as Romania, Russia and Poland, the LGBTQI communities face open discrimination and in some cases, state-sanctioned violence against people who like getting it on with a member of the same sex.

‘Vaccinated’ Is The Most Popular Tag


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At the top of the ‘Highest % of Open Relationships’ category, Indian men apparently sit at the top of that list. Though again, believe this tag at your own peril, with many relationships not as ‘Open’ as they might like you to think they are!

The Covid-19 pandemic has infected the framework of the apps this year, with ‘Vaccinated’ appearing as the most popular of the ‘Top 5 most popular Tags’, which also showed the possible sweet side of horny guys, with the top 5 tags also including Kissing and Cuddling. Naw. 

According to Grindr Unwrapped, ‘Most active time per continent’ in 2021 category, Australians are most active on the app at 10pm on Fridays, which if successful, is a nice way to ring in the weekend where as in Europe, the most popular digital cruising time is 5pm on a Sunday afternoon.

Tapa, Tapa, Tapa


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There was a helluva lot of Grindr fuelled dopamine coursing through our brains this year, with an average of One Billion taps per month being sent by Grindr users.  An average of 5.4 million favourites added per month – there’s plenty of peeps saving profiles to drool over later. 

Wipe your chin. 

Grindr of course adds the following caveat at the bottom of its report, presumably to head off any protestations that they somehow did someone, somewhere wrong: “This report is not meant as a comprehensive or scientific report on global queer sex & dating behaviours. The anonymous, aggregated data only represents a subsection of our users (not all Grindr users include this information on their profiles) and Grindr itself only represents a subsection of the global queer community.”


A full breakdown of the information supplied by the Grindr Unwrapped survey for 2021:

  • Highest % looking for Right Now – U.S.A, Australia, U.K, Ireland, Canada
  • Highest %Of tops – Phillipines, Colombia, Argentina, Israel, India
  • Highest % of bottoms – Vietnam, China, South Africa, Peru, Poland
  • Highest % of versatile – Venezuela, Russia, Czech Republic,Costa Rica, Romania
  • Highest % accepts NSFW pics – Australia, China, U.S.A, U.K, Brazil
  • Highest % Of Open Relationships – India, Thailand, Switzerland, Vietnam, Algeria
  • Top 5 most popular Tags – Vaccinated, Discreet, Kissing, FWB, cuddling
  • Most users by city – Paris, N.Y, São Paulo, London, LA
  • Most active time per continent
    North & South America – Sunday 9pm,
    Africa – Sunday 9pm,
    Australia – Friday 10pm,
    Asia – Saturday 10pm,
    Europe – Sunday 5pm
  • Most Users by country – India, Brazil, Mexico, U.K, U.S.A



One response to “Grindr Unwrapped Survey Confirms That Aussies Are Horny – ‘Right Now!’”

  1. a wonderful discussion which brings into the open a subject when was taboo for so may years. Having sexual relations provided of legal age of consent should be normallised regardless of whether it is male on male, female on female or a full mixture of relationship styles. Nice to See Australia is well up the ranks, but makes no mention of where Nee Zealand is.