Icing on Chelsea’s bun

Icing on Chelsea’s bun

Anthony Defina, aka Chelsea Bun, will be inducted into the DIVA Hall of Fame at next week’s award night.

Twenty years after Chelsea found her way onto the stage, she will receive one of the highest of industry accolades – but it’s still the fun and laughs which matter, according to Defina.

“Performance for me is all about having fun and making the audience have a laugh with me,” he told Sydney Star Observer.

Being one of the first drag artists to take the stage at Inquisition, and the raft of major GLBT dance parties he has had the good fortune to perform at, rank as some of Defina’s fondest memories. They were performances that inspired new ranks of drag artists, and left punters with similarly fun memories of their big nights out — Defina’s aim all along.

“Drag is a bit of fun at the end of the day, but still, you take it seriously if your peers and community have said they want to give the award to someone. I’m pleased to have my work recognised,” Defina said.

Defina will receive the award at the DIVA Awards night on Monday evening.

info: To book tickets visit www.divaawardsaustralia.com.au

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