Katter’s gay brother to speak

Katter’s gay brother to speak

After weeks of rumours that a gay relative of Federal MP Bob Katter would voice his opposition to the MPs anti-marriage equality statements, it appears Katter’s brother will speak out tonight on Ten’s 6.30 with George Negus program.

6.30 producer Ross Scheepers confirmed his appearance on the program this afternoon via Twitter.

“Tonight on #630Negus. For the first time Bob Katter’s gay brother talks about his homophobic sibling’s bigotry,” he wrote

The Star Observer had heard reports that Katter’s brother was in talks with lobby group GetUp! regarding his support for marriage equality and disappointment with his sibling, but had been unable to get confirmation from the organisation as to the validity of the rumour.

It was conveyed to the paper that Bob Katter’s appearance at the anti-gay National Marriage Day event,  may have been the final straw for his brother.

Will you be tuning in tonight?

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13 responses to “Katter’s gay brother to speak”

  1. Senator Guy Barnett, under the Howard government put forward this amendment, ‘man and woman’ simply because the constitution took for granted that it was between a man and a woman….marriage has been so for hundreds of generations and certainly did not need to be explained as such when the constitution of this country was written!

    Ed: The 2004 Marriage Act amendment came about to stop a High Court challenge by a lesbian couple fighting to have their overseas wedding recognised in Australia.

  2. Response to Deb, re Changing the Marriage Act. You don’t seem to realise that the Howard govt changed it in 2004 to read “between a man and a woman”. Before that, it didn’t specify.

  3. Response to Deb, re Changing the Marriage Act. You don’t seem to realise that the Howard govt changed it first, back in 2004, to read “between a man and a woman”. Before that, it didn’t specify.

  4. Response to Deb, re Changing the Marriage Act. You don’t seem to realise that the Howard govt changed it in 2004 to read “Marriage means the union of a MAN and a WOMAN”. Before that, it didn’t specify. Now who’s being discriminatory?

  5. Response to Deb, re Changing the Marriage Act. You don’t seem to realise that John Howard changed it in 1996 to read “between a man and a woman”. Before that, it read “between two people”. Now who’s being discriminatory?

  6. LOL how ironic, and to think that this idiot openly calls for legislation that will discriminate against his own flesh and blood.

  7. I think the push to change the marriage act is discriminatory by the very suggestion to change it. The very fact that it is suggested to change the marriage act suggests that the act isnt appropriate for those wanting to change it. The changing of the act will affect millions, it will change the very foundation of their union. I would suggest an act be created to the needs of the gay community so as to not discriminate against those that choose to marry under the origins of the marriage act ie between a man and a woman and excluding all others. You go to a mechanics to get a service for your car, as you go to a butchers for meat. The name of the sevice providers details what is available to you and same principle applies to marriage-men and women wanting to marry choose marriage under the marriage act as it defines them. ie a female and male partnership and they have the title of a husband and wife. I find the reason to change the marriage act rather than have an act created to suit the needs of the gay community questionable as there has been suggestions to change the marriage act to suit multi sexual partners which is in opposition to the marriage act.

  8. Hmmmm that awkward moment when Bob Katter sees his brother at the family christmas dinner after four months of not talking.

  9. Oh i can’t wait to see the public backlash from this one! I wonder if channel 10 will air Brokeback Mountain after the interview?

  10. I knew this already. I have met Bobs brother before and he is such a nice guy.
    I will be watching for sure