LGBTQI Votes For Trump Doubled

LGBTQI Votes For Trump Doubled

In what is just one more head smack moment from the US elections, it seems that polls (poles? the Poles? – please let this be the end of confusing and unedited presidential tweets) are suggesting that LGBTQI people who voted in the 2020 US election for Donald Trump, DOUBLED their support since the last presidential election.

Let’s perhaps take this report with a grain of salt (that figure could literally be worse) but it does seem a fitting end (if it is) to this four year Presidency of bewildering antics and heart stopping headlines.

The New York Times reports from exit polls that LGBTQI voters voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election at twice the rate as they did in 2016.

If you’ve been following along with the election results at all, you’ll also know that it seems like the major polls that the media have been blaring about, with Biden leading by huge margins in most of them, have once again been painfully and in some instances, shockingly wrong.

It seems that people just don’t want to admit (to a living human being at least) that they’re going to vote for Donald Trump, though the one poll that seems to once again be bang on with their predictions, The Rasmussen poll, had the two contenders at much closer (and as it turns out, accurate) margins.

 Similar exit polls from 2016 tell us that just 14% of people identifying as LGBTQI voted for the Trump/Pence ticket – this despite Trump clearly being against marriage equality from as early as 2000 and as late as 2015, only stating he was ‘fine’ with it since he became President.

From an interview with Fox News in 2011 – “I don’t feel right about it. I’m against it and I take a lot of heat because I come from New York.

“You know, for New York, it’s like, how can you be against gay marriage? But I’m opposed to gay marriage.”

So considering people’s reluctance to own up to their plans to vote for Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020, it seems logical that they’d be equally reluctant to disclose their preferences after the fact either, which doesn’t bode well for this poll – it seems likely that this number could be higher than the reported doubling from 2016!

Trump had made a last minute attempt to woo the LGBTQI vote, with his daughter Tiffany Trump fronting up to a couple of Trump Pride events in the lead up to the big day, as reported by the Star Observer, even getting heckled at one of them in Pennsylvania.

Melania Trump has also been selling the Trump Pride message, with an appearance in a video in support of The Log Cabin Republicans which is apparently the country’s largest Republican organisation for LGBTQI conservatives and allies.

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3 responses to “LGBTQI Votes For Trump Doubled”

  1. This article was sent to me (in the USA) by a friend to show just how out of touch the gay and lesbian press is in Australia, even with gay and lesbian people. Just like the USA.

    Not a surprise that Trump got so much of the vote at all. We are all heartily fed up and scared by the hard left of the Democratic Party. And by the way, back in the day, even Obama was against same-sex marriage. ‘Orange Man Bad’ seems a problem in Australia as well.

    It would really help if journalists read more widely, then such votes for Trump would not come as a ‘surprise.’

  2. We like to think we all walk the moral high ground. Unfortunately there are many right wing bigoted LGBTQI people out there. Money wealth and status being more important than a clean safe fair world for all. I have met many a Pauline Hanson supporting gay, it generally ends in an argument. Look at the NSW and federal elections, a lot of decisions based on individual greed. Environment is way down the list of so many. I can only hope people start to wake up and see what kind of world they are really voting for. Its less than 100 years since world war 2 and yet now fascism seems to be on a relentless rise this time globally.