Gillard ‘out of step’ with Wong

Gillard ‘out of step’ with Wong

Marriage equality advocates have wasted no time calling the Gillard Government’s opposition to same-sex marriage “out of step” after news Finance Minister Penny Wong and her female partner are expecting a baby.

Australian Marriage Equality spokesman Peter Furness congratulated the couple, however, said the soon-to-be parents are still denied the right to marry.

“We congratulate Penny Wong and Sophie Allouache on their happy news and we wish them well,” Furness said.

“It’s pleasing state and federal law will recognise them both as parents, but this just highlights how out-of-step the same-sex marriage ban has become by denying their child the option of having married parents.

“Marriage can benefit children by providing them with a greater sense of security and recognition, and these benefits should be available for all Australian children including those raised by same-sex couples.”

Wong and Allouache are expecting the birth of their baby in December, the same month as the ALP National Conference where the issue of same-sex marriage is set to be hotly debated.

The baby was conceived via IVF with sperm from a known donor.

Wong last year declared her support for marriage equality at the South Australian Labor Party conference.

Today Treasurer Wayne Swan and Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop offered their congratulations.

The Rainbow Families Council if Victoria have also added their congratulations to the expectant couple.

“Rainbow Families Council is delighted to hear the news that Senator Wong and her partner Sophie are expecting their first child,” Rainbow Families Council spokeswoman Eilis Hughes told the Star Observer.

“We wish them well as they join the many rainbow families across Australia who are enjoying all that parenthood brings.”

NSW Christian Democrats leader the Reverend Fred Nile today accused Wong trying to “make a statement” with the announcement.

“She needn’t have made it public – it just promotes their lesbian lifestyle and trying to make it natural where it’s unnatural,” Nile said.

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33 responses to “Gillard ‘out of step’ with Wong”

  1. no worries if you can’t have ivf is south Australia – just take off to NSW

    no worries if you can’t get married in Australia – just take off to New York city

    no worries – sure beats standing up and getting something done at home.

  2. @Iain amd @Glenn Peters and @ anyone else who is anti-gay parenting

    The following two links may provide a start in your education into how same-sex couples are just as capable of raising perfectly helathy, well-adjusted, socially aware, eductaed children:

    The first provides a link to a wealth of information held by the Australian Institute of Family Studies on gay and lesbian parenting.

    The second provides a copy of a study conducted by the Australian Psychological Society of the research that has been undertaken into gay and lesbian parenting, and includes an extensive list of those studies. Importantly, the conclusion of the study states:

    “..The research indicates that parenting practices and children’s outcomes in families parented by lesbian and gay parents are likely to be at least as favourable as those in families of heterosexual parents, despite the reality that considerable legal discrimination and inequity remain significant challenges for these families.”

    Now you may have your own opinion against same-sex couples being parents, but your opinion is not supported by the Australian Psychological Society (or for that matter by the American Psychological Association).

  3. completely off topic, but why do so many apparent ‘gay haters’ comment on a gay news website???

    and WHY oh WHY does the gay news website publish such comments…? do we not put up with enough of that redneck pigswill in our daily lives?

    Can SSO be a little bit more stringent with their moderating comments ??

    …just a suggestion!

    Congrats to Penny Wong and her partner… another baby coming into this world who will grow up with a sensible caring and just mentality towards others. Im sure we wont see their baby, gay or straight posting homophobic comments on here


    Ed: Comments are moderated, but we think it is important everyone be allowed to share their views on the forum where they sit inside the boundaries of the law. We may not like some of the views expressed, and indeed there are many abusive and disgusting comments that doesn’t make it through, but we don’t think it is our place to stymie the debate.