Queer Gamers Are Creating Safe Spaces On Streaming Platforms

Queer Gamers Are Creating Safe Spaces On Streaming Platforms
Image: PupAlexx and Emiloo. Images: Supplied

PupAlexx identifies as an Australian-born Chinese trans man and uses their streaming platform to address and spread awareness on topics regarding the LGBTQI and Asian community.

“A lot of the things that I like to kind of focus on my streams are topics that are relevant to me and have a big sort of significance in my life. For example, talking about issues that surround my LGBT+ community or even my POC [person of colour] community,” Alexx told Star Observer.

Alexx discovered Twitch during the Covid-19 lockdowns after a friend invited him to play Mario Kart whilst streaming. Seeing the interactions and the social aspect of streaming caught their attention.

“I saw the real-time interaction and the socialness he was having and I was missing that a lot in lockdown,” they said. “I wanted to do something fun, I wanted to do something creative…and that’s where Twitch streaming came into play.”

Mum Was Very Supportive

Alexx spoke about their transitioning journey and was grateful for the support of their friends and family, but gave a special shout-out to their mother.

“There definitely was a big adjustment for my mum because my mum had to go through her own journey and process of mourning the loss of a daughter but then celebrating the fact that she gained a son,” Alexx said.

“But she was very supportive. She would come with me to every single one of my appointments…my mum has always been a very big supporter and that’s something I’ve always appreciated about [her].”

Creating A Safe Space To Hang Out

Emiloo is a self-proclaimed cozy and sometimes chaotic, variety streamer who strides to ensure that her place is a safe space for those in the LGBT+ community.

“I am a part of the community myself, I identify as bi and I wanted to create a space where I would want to hang out and so I try to create a nice cozy space where everyone can hang out,” she said.

“I think that happens with a lot of the conversations that we have as a community…it’s a safe haven for a lot of people as they come to Twitch to escape realities. So being able to create a space where people can be comfy and their one hundred per cent authentic selves is what I strive to do.”

With the ongoing rise in anti-LGBTQI and anti-trans sentiments online, both streamers agreed that it was more important than ever to promote safe spaces and have queer visibility across all platforms.

“Regardless of whatever you’re going through right now, just know that there are people out there that have been through the same thing or going through the same thing and you’re not alone,” Alexx said.

“It’s been a long road but we are definitely getting better when it comes to queer representation…we’ve definitely gotten more inclusive characters but we still have a long way to go,” Emiloo said.


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