‘The Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Voice To Parliament Is The First Step’

‘The Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Voice To Parliament Is The First Step’
Image: Sydney Walk For Yes on September 17, 2023. Photo: Steve Markham/ AAP Images.

By Shane Sturgiss

I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and acknowledge the LGBTQ+SB Elders and Ancestors that have lived through very difficult and challenging times to create the world that we have today, the platforms that we work from and the foundations that we continue to advocate to build a better tomorrow.

BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation commenced in November 2019 to address the gap in services for the specific needs of the Queer and First Nations communities. BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation exists to provide services and support to our Queer BlaQ community. BlaQ offers services in Housing assistance, living skills, education, Health, Psych Social support, Research, connections, and community events.

This year the people of Australia will vote on The Voice. The outcome of this Referendum will have a significant impact on the LGBTQ+SB First Nations community. 

A Positive First Step

The current voice proposal is a positive first step towards realising the full version of the Uluru Statement. 

It will recognise our people as the First Peoples of Australia and provide a constitutionally protected process for our people’s voices to be heard on issues that affect us. The Voice will ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community knowledge, and expertise, inform policies and improve outcomes in our communities.

This will be the second time in six years that the LGBTQ+SB Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community have invited the focus of the Nation to vote on their rights. It is essential that we all, in our conversations about the Voice, do so with a kind heart and with sensitivity to the fact that The Voice is not just a process, it is impactful on the purpose and lives of individual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Earlier this year, Sydney hosted World Pride. A huge event that gave increased visibility to the LGBTQ+SB community. With increased visibility of our vulnerable and marginalised community comes an increased hate towards those communities, this again will be the impact of the National Referendum, with a vote and increased media coverage.

Vote Yes

BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation are supporting the YES vote in the referendum, to do anything less would be more than just voting no to a Voice in Parliament, it would be sending a message that the status quo is acceptable, that the current statistics and supports being implemented are acceptable, this is not the case: 

  • Aboriginal children are 10 times more likely to be removed from their homes.
  • Aboriginal suicide rates in 2021 were 5.3% of the cause of death, compared to 1.8% for non-Aboriginal community.
  • Suicide rates are three times higher for Aboriginal youth than that of non-Aboriginal youth.
  • Of the Closing the Gap socio-economic targets, only three are on track.  Four have actively gotten worse.
    • Childhood development has worsened.
    • Adult incarceration has worsened.
    • Out-of-home care and fostering have worsened.
    • Suicide rates have worsened.

The remaining targets either have no data available or are failing to meet targets.

The Impact Of Colonisation

235 years of colonisation has had a devastating impact on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.  

At the time of colonisation, there was no acknowledgement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, the land was deemed “terra nullius” and as such, Australia is one of the only colonised places in the world where the Treaty was not established. To create a Treaty now, based on the constructed colonised States and Territories of Australia would be disingenuous.  

There is still so much work to be done, this is the first step. It will be a wonderful feeling to wake up on Sunday, October 15, 2023, to know that we live in an inclusive and caring Country. This is something that should make all people proud to be Australian.

Shane Sturgiss is CEO, BLAQ Aboriginal Corporation


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