Baseballers come out swinging against cancer

Baseballers come out swinging against cancer

Like all of us, members of the Sydney Women’s Baseball League (SWBL) are not immune to cancer.

When a member was diagnosed with breast cancer last November, the league jumped into action to create a fundraising event and drive breast cancer awareness amongst its members.

The event was held on Mother’s Day and consisted money-spinning events, including a ‘bake-off’ where teams entered into a mate-against-mate flour and sugar frenzy, judged by some suspicious-looking CWA members. All goods were for sale, with the passionfruit slice selling out fast.

Other funds were raised thanks to the BBQ takings and monster raffles held at the Golden Barley Hotel in Enmore.

Finally, there was the now infamous ‘head shave’ where 12 brave players and friends shaved their locks for huge sponsorship, the youngest head-shaver being 9 years old.

All money raised was donated to the Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA), the national voice for Australians affected by breast cancer. The BCNA works to ensure that women diagnosed with breast cancer, and their families, receive the best information, treatment, care and support possible, no matter who they are or where they live.

The BCNA has been very supportive of Cass, the SWBL member currently battling cancer. The Mother’s Day timing of the fundraiser was particularly fitting as Cass became a mother in January.

“We love our community and the family that is SWBL. Thank you for making a difference,” she said.

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