I wouldn’t change a thing

I wouldn’t change a thing

There are moments in the day when my mind rests on the thoughts of my smiling little men.  What are they doing right now, are they okay, do they need a band-aid on the tiny scratch on their finger, and are they happy?
My mind swings into work and around with friends, but my mini men are never far from my thoughts.
I see the boys every few days. The time and distance between each visit is what I know keeps our relationships strong and ever-present. I sometimes rationalise that if I’d stayed in the family home, I would have been at home at 6pm each evening and at weekends, but perhaps not entirely present.
Short snippets of time with my dear little men have re-programmed my mind to be involved and aware every single minute I am with them. The time apart feels long at times and when I switch off their bedroom lights and blow a kiss goodnight, I already look forward to the next time.
Relationships should be considered as love without the concept of time. At times it feels as though we compress love into time blocks in our day. It doesn’t mean that in the times we aren’t together we love less.
To relish and indulgently consume the time you have with your loved one, child or friend with the time you have is paramount. You only have the time right now. Don’t ignore those closest to you.
Presence is undervalued in our community in general. Do we really take the time to be there for someone? Are we present in the moment? Investing time in listening instead of talking, playing instead of reading the paper are invaluable, yet some of us don’t know how.
Having time with your loved one is a gift — completely give yourself to the moment.
Each time the rooms go quiet and we are reminded we are alone, we too are reminded we are loved. For the love that is bestowed and for where I am in my life right now — I wouldn’t change a thing.

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