You guys are nuts

You guys are nuts

Kids are visual little creatures. My mini men and I are no different. From silly faces to wobbling body parts, if it’s weird or disgusting, it’s usually funny.

A few weeks ago at my parents place, I spent an afternoon making goofy faces with two oranges at my ears, much to the enjoyment of Chicky and Beau. Chick has created some new facial expressions which make me laugh uncontrollably. It’s funny, you know, it’s exactly how I grew up creating faces with my little sister.

So last night, sitting on the bus heading home, I created Ernest the Duck. I nearly wet myself laughing and while I may have been the only one who found it funny, at least the man in front of me was smiling when he got off at his stop.

Ernest the Duck was sent around to a few scores of people, some mixed in their responses but one took the cake. I was standing at the bar in Stonewall with Rosanna, giggling about Ernest, and I received a message from my mate Roger. I took a sip, opened the message and sprayed the bar in gin and sent Rosanna screaming, drenched in tonic and pieces of lime.

There was a picture of Roger’s bum and nut bag dangling on my phone.

Speaking of nuts, the mini men have decided they need to show Dawn and I their ‘nuts’ at every opportunity. I dragged Beau out of the bath the other night and threw the towel over his head.

“Dad, cover me, Chick can see my nuts,” his face watching for my reaction on the last word.

As I was leaving that night, Chick had his pants down around his ankles, showing everyone his nuts, as he put it. I found out later from Dawn that Beau then found his foam bullet toy gun and used Chick’s private dangling bits for target practice much to their own hilarity and their mother’s quiet disgust.

I’m shaking my stern parental head, but crying out laughing inside.

info: Follow John on Twitter @daddydearest_

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