Free Pride alters blanket ban on drag performers, allows trans* drag performers

Free Pride alters blanket ban on drag performers, allows trans* drag performers
Image: Glasgow Pride 2014

ORGANISERS behind Scotland’s Free Pride have responded to intense social media backlash from an initial blanket ban on drag performers by announcing they will allow trans* drag performers to take part in their August 22 event in Glasgow.

[showads ad=MREC]Free Pride initially announced that it would not allow drag queens to perform, with their being that they were offensive to trans* people.

“After much discussion, the trans* and non-binary caucus decided not to have drag acts perform at the event,” event organisers said, according to PinkNews.

“This does not mean that people of any gender can’t wear what they want to the event, we simply won’t be having any self-described drag acts perform at our Free Pride Event on the 22nd August. We hope people can understand and support our decision. However we feel it important to fully explain why we came this decision.

“The decision was taken by transgender individuals who were uncomfortable with having drag performances at the event. It was felt that it would make some of those who were transgender or questioning their gender uncomfortable.”

It continued: “It was felt by the group within the Trans/Non Binary Caucus that some drag performance, particularly cis drag, hinges on the social view of gender and making it into a joke, however transgender individuals do not feel as though their gender identity is a joke.

“This can particularly difficult for those who are not out and still present as the gender they were assigned at birth. While it was discussed whether we could have trans drag acts perform, it was agreed that as it would not be appropriate to ask any prospective drag acts whether or not they identified as trans.

“It was therefore decided that having no drag acts perform would be the best option as it would mean no-one would feel pressured to out themselves.”

Free Pride’s Facebook page immediately came under fire after the decision was announced, with a boycott page created by those not happy with the ban.

On Monday night Australian time, organisers posted another Facebook update stating it would now allow drag performers to take part, but only if they were trans*. See full post below:

[fb_embed_post href=”” width=”550″/]

It is understood that has learnt that the Free Pride event is not the only pride event to take place during the Glasgow Festival. There will be other events celebrating pride that will have drag performers.

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3 responses to “Free Pride alters blanket ban on drag performers, allows trans* drag performers”

  1. Paul of Forbes – it seems ever clearer you are becoming seriously unhinged- this article is about Pride in Scotland – not here? It has nothing to do with Tony Abbott – sheesh! lol

  2. It is too much stupid. Did all the canny scots migrate, leaving a pack of independence-rejecting drag-dissing prissy wowsers in charge?

  3. And they call themselves pride with this STUPID, INSENSITIVE and INSULTING ban on trans* people! What a total fucking joke! What’s next pride for Tony Abbott and it’s Government?