Crystal Meth Anonymous

Crystal Meth Anonymous

One of the most important things to remember about the treatment of alcohol and other drug problems is different courses for different horses. What may work for one person may not necessarily result in the same outcome for another.

Everyone is different and as a result it is important that we have a range of treatment options for people who find themselves having problems with drugs. For some people the 12 steps program offers a unique solution to a very complex problem.

Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) is, according to their website, a fellowship of people for whom crystal meth has become a serious problem. The members of Crystal Meth Anonymous meet regularly, share support and fellowship, and create a safe environment in which to stay clean.

Based on the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) model, CMA advocates complete abstinence from crystal meth, alcohol and other drugs. This sort of treatment is not for everyone. Some people have issues with the spiritual component of the program and the concept of a belief in a higher power and as a result find the 12 steps a bit confronting.

However, CMA says that everyone defines this power as he or she wishes. Many people call it God, others think it is the group itself, still others don’t believe in it at all. There appears to be room in CMA for people of all shades of belief and non-belief.

Essentially the program involves two basic components that assist recovery. Firstly, there is regular attendance at meetings. The CMA philosophy is based on the belief that many people who find themselves having problems with alcohol and other drugs are lonely and that addiction causes fear, sadness and isolation.

Surrounding themselves with others who are in recovery provides support and helps them to cope with many of the problems they may be experiencing. Secondly, sponsors play an important role in the program. A sponsor is a person who helps the person work through the 12 steps.

Working through the steps means understanding what the steps mean and finding ways to apply them in our daily lives. Sponsors share their own experiences, often describe the way they have stayed clean, and will make suggestions on how to do the same.

If you believe you may have a problem with crystal and believe that Crystal Meth Anonymous may work for you, groups meet in Sydney every Tuesday and Friday evening.

On Tuesdays the group meets at 7pm at the Mission Australia Building, 4-10 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.

On Fridays, meetings are held at 8pm at the Reg Murphy Activity Centre, 19 Greenknowe Avenue, Potts Point.

For more information check the Crystal Meth Anonymous website, which explains more about the group and lists all the meeting places and times worldwide.

Remember: if you do not want any negative consequences, do not use the drug and, no matter how many times you have used a substance, never be blas?/p>

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