GetUp campaign aims high

GetUp campaign aims high

Just shy of 25,000 people have responded to’s petition for de facto equality for same-sex couples. Executive director Brett Solomon said the gay community should be congratulated for the gains in support thus far but now was the time to bring in the wider community, families, friends and colleagues.

“The population is behind this, almost everyone knows somebody gay,” Solomon said. He said the 71 percent support reported in the Galaxy poll could be turned into action if people were willing to put their names to the campaign.

But even in the progressive lobby’s own camp it was difficult to get commitment on the issue. Solomon said he had to fight hard internally for a campaign against same-sex discrimination. “We’re very strategic, we pick our moments, and now is exactly the right moment for this poll. The politicians can’t ignore the 71 percent. We’re going to write to every politician with the results of this petition.”

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