

Your main squeeze may think you simply aren’t interested in him or her any more. Remind your lover that it’s OK to love someone while also needing time and space to do things on your own for a while. On the work front, a very innovative and self-improving week is predicted in your outer world, as well as in your consciousness.

Your fairytale ideal of romantic life is synchronising you with many different opportunities. Whether you realise it or not, the optimal situation you seek is within your grasp. The only thing to watch for is not letting anyone down in your desire to escape responsibilities.

On the love front, your dreams work out quite nicely in your head, but the problem now is how to turn them into some sort of real-life scenario. Be careful of taking too intellectual an approach. Your life has come full circle. New beginnings and the things that happen this week will strongly shape the notions you believe about love.

You should expect sudden social invitations to happen this week. Someone may come up with quite different things to do and you should certainly try to spend time in good company doing some fun activities — no matter what that means to you. On the work front, honesty is the best policy as long as you choose your words carefully.

This is a period during which you should be able to analyse your emotions and discuss them with intelligence and clarity. The ability to communicate your innermost feelings is a powerful means to get closer to others. You may find yourself very busy with a million little details. Make sure you don’t stress yourself to the point of worry or anxiety.

On the work front, you are having amnesia and deja vu at the same time — you think you’ve forgotten this before. On the love front, you will feel good. Three major heavenly bodies — the sun, Mars and Pluto — send you cosmic kinky sex vibes. It’s time to get out the leather whips and chains ’cause some bondage and discipline is in order.

It is a time when distractions and dreams will make you lose contact with reality. You will not be living in the real world, you will fantasise, be absent-minded, vague and inattentive. On the work front, be open to moving in a different direction, blow the old routine out of the water and make this week about all things new, bright and breezy.

The week ahead should give you an opportunity to analyse the events of the past. You will draw many important conclusions about your love life. You may conclude that matters have evolved little, if at all. This is discouraging, to be sure, but don’t place too much trust in appearances. Remember, things aren’t always as they seem.

Creative thoughts come to mind, especially linked to past events, which can come to fruition as you complete the finishing touches. Follow your instincts and let the pieces fall together by themselves. On the love front, there is kinky sex, hot sex, group sex, safe sex, phone sex, speedy sex, crazy sex, and for you — no sex.

Pluto is in your astrological house of career. He has taken you the long way round, but you’ve learned a lot about yourself in the process. As this week ends you will finally sort out those difficult questions about what you really want to do with your career. The answer is within you like a treasure waiting to be dug up, cleaned and polished.

Sometimes, when we face the truth, we begin to see clearer and understand what we want and need for ourselves. This week the picture will become clearer for you. This is an excellent path where you can achieve a lot knowing that your path is changing for the better and you are ready to focus on your future.

Your natural leadership skills will come in handy, especially dealing with work-related issues or organising your aims. A good week to focus on your goals and you may discover you can work on them earlier than expected. Pluto is also giving you a push to clear away those outdated thinking patterns and to create a new way of seeing.

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