Speedos, drugs and misogyny “a huge problem” among gay men: Charmed star

Speedos, drugs and misogyny “a huge problem” among gay men: Charmed star

SPEEDOS, drugs and misogyny is how one star of cult TV show Chamed, Rose McGowan, views the gay culture, according to a recent interview.

McGowan, who played Paige Matthews between 2001-2006 of the series’ run, also claimed that gay men were more misogynistic than straight men.

In an interview on the Bret Easton Ellis Podcast (audio below), McGowan — who at one point in her childhood lived with drag queens — said that gay misogyny “is a huge problem”.

She also expressed that the gay community was on the cusp of having all that they had set out to fight for, but won’t extend their hand to help others’ struggles, especially women.

“You want to talk about how nobody in the gay community, no gay male, standing up for women on any level?” she said.

“I see no help and I see no paying it forward.

“I have a huge problem with a community that understands what it’s like to be looked down on for existing… I see no extending the hand outside of the gay community.”

She added that women had “very much helped the gay community get to where they are today”.

“Look at Stonewall. Stonewall was fought on the backs of transvestites, drag queens and women,” she said.

McGowan went on to say that the gay community should help others who are fighting for human rights as their new movement rather than “people who have basically fought for the right to stand on top of a float wearing an orange speedo and take molly [MDMA]”.

Do you agree with Rose McGowan’s thoughts? Listen to the interview and comment below.

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148 responses to “Speedos, drugs and misogyny “a huge problem” among gay men: Charmed star”

  1. Gay community is an urban myth. Speedos? maybe 20 years ago but, gays can be cruel, racist and disrespectful yet cry out for equality. I agree with things she says

  2. Oh I’m over this shit. Obligations. Expectations. Judgements. Titles. Bitching. He said, she said. You’re a “this” and you’re a “that”. Fuck me, I can feel a Lily Allen song coming on.

  3. Women have long been treated as equals in society and have the same rights (in the civilized world) as men. The LGBTQ community are still a long long way from that. The picture above doesn’t do her any favors either. If she wants to have her feminist views heard, she might be taken more seriously if she wasn’t botoxed and dressed like a hooker…clearly enjoying the attention of MEN!

  4. This is a HUGE problem in our community, and I agree with her for the most part. She does make a huge generalisation, however, by claiming not one gay man is willing to extend support for other minorities… I think she went a little far there.

  5. I find this interesting. Shouldn’t she lead by example? She wants to help women? Maybe she should try acting roles based on talent not where she walks around using her body and sexual innuendo to get by. I wonder what message that sends to younger women? The plastic surgery i’m sure also helps the plight of women. Clean out your own house before you come in and criticise mine. Oh and as a gay man my closest friends are women, as most gays I know, these women are my family and have all my support.

  6. Wow what a naive diva. Does anyone know or care about her anymore anyway. She wants to help women? Maybe she should try acting roles based on talent not where she walks around using her body and sexual innuendo to get by. I wonder what message that sends to younger women? Clean out your own house before you come in and criticise mine biach!

  7. I could not agree more!
    There is a massive portion of the gay community that from my experience are a lot more discriminative, racist and sexist than heterosexual males. She’s right yet shouldn’t have targeted the whole gay men minority.

  8. I am in total agreement with her the gay community at it’s convenience will throw a Transgender person under a bus as fast as look at them and that is the same as drag queens they will do the same thing! It’s like the one that yyou’re invited to the party but don’t want to come. That is the way the gay community is treating the Transgender Community now! I know that for a fact as I have been on the end of this myself, being a Transgender Lady.

  9. Her commentary is a little bit generalised of the gay community as a whole, but in saying that she has made some valid points which come down to one thing: discrimination of our own.

    We are so busy labeling each other as something and with the abundance of dating and hook up apps avaliable, we avoid those who don’t fit our exact type. We no longer have to make an effort to go out & meet people. We dont have to when we can sit at home and flick through a few profiles and find someone. I mean how often do you log into Grindr and see “No Asians, No Fems, No Fatties, No Queens.” Or something along those lines?

    The community is taking for granted what the earlier generations fought for. Community isn’t even the word I’d use for what it’s becoming. It’s like some unspoken yet acceptable apartheid. All the work the earlier generations did for us to have our freedom and we piss all over it by carrying on like 14 year old high school girls in cliques. Before we can support other minorities, we need to support ourselves.

    As for those of you making this something personal about yourselves or your friends, you’ve completely missed the point of this article.

    Also next time you’re out, go and have a chat to someone you usually wouldn’t. You don’t have to marry them, take them home or even hug them. Generally you’ll be pleasantly surprised! :)

  10. Is there any truth to what she’s saying?

    Is racism a problem or not in the gay community? Is there or is there not a racial hierarchy in the gay community?

    Has the “No Blacks, No Asians, Not Fats, No Femmes” mentality and treatment been wiped out in the LGBT community? If not, why not?

  11. Didn’t think straight women were a minority. They have all the rights. And the GLTB community have come from the lowest and our fight is far from over especially in Australia, don’t know where she is coming from.

    • With respect Andrew, the biggest risk of experiencing violence in the world today simply comes from being born female. Others have said it here but solidarity rather than division is important.

    • (With respect) I think Andrew is referring to the legal status of straight, white women in the west. In that example, he is right.

      However, I don’t like that game either. And I will concede that community attitudes towards women are still not necessarily reflective of their legal status.

    • With respect Shirleene, 40% of gay males have suicidal thoughts because of bullying and discrimination. 17% of the LGBTQ population in Britain has been victimised by a hate crime. 9 in 10 LGTBQ teens are bullied. For every female suicide there are 4.1 male suicides, and 30% of those are gay males. Being gay is still ILLEGAL in 79 countries, some of which impose a death penalty. So yeah please please go on about how shitty it is to be female in this world.

    • Cody, I’m aware of the stats – I co-authored a book on homophobia and transphobia (and one from Australia with statistics worse than Britain). So please don’t assume I am unaware of this.

  12. I don’t know enough about the subject. I’m really not sure how much or how little the gay community help minorities. Perhaps they help them individually but not as a community. I really couldn’t say.

  13. Jeez so enlightened and jaded at the same time lol. I have beautiful gay male friends and know others that hate my sexuality. It’s got nothing to do with me. If you embrace and love both sides of your personality then you stop projecting hatred on exterior worlds.
    Interesting that rose feels compelled to draw on the gay community for other minority support? As if our own battles aren’t all consuming enough? Gee rose I’d be door knockin’ your rich straight buddies! Just sayin”

  14. Sorry but who is she? Check your privilege bitch, I bet the gays your referring to are upper or middle class social elite that do not and never will represent me or the whole. I bet she is referring to those of her friends in the social circle. You do not have the right to speak for us as a whole and you have no idea of the diversity of who we are.

    • you would be assuming im cis male, and considering you dont know me, you should also check your privilege, but no, you would rather engage on a back and forth, subjecting yourself to being one of the people she is discussing. HA!

    • When a team makes a mistake the whole team fails
      When one team member makes a mistake its up to the team to correct it
      If we as a gay community dont confront whats wrong and fix it then we’re just as bad.
      Brenton you might not be the one in the wrong but the next person you meet at a gay bar might be. And so its up to you… If you witness something wrong… Fix it as it represents who you are as a community member.

    • Lol. “Colorblind ideology ” As if Whiteness doesn’t exist.

      This is what I’m talking about – racism will not be addressed in the gay community.

    • These small problems compared to those just trying to stay alive because they love someone with the same bit they have between their legs. It’s not the same problem western world gays face, and it’s not even about sexuality. This story is flawed like any other story in new meds. The priority has been shocking for attention for $ sake and that’s what I hope she is getting at. That’s it not a problem of sexuality or gender, that all of these parts make up humanity, it’s a problem of our structure we have made of lifestyle. We are at war with ourselves but feel freedom in placing blame