Decontaminating the body

Decontaminating the body

LUMATOX Ionic Cell Therapy is a simple and painless water footbath that assists in drawing waste from the body through the feet.

In today’s contaminated environment, tissue acid wastes, chemical and heavy metal residues build up in the body and can have harmful effects on our health and wellbeing.

LUMATOX Ionic cell therapy helps to draw waste and toxins from the body through a unit placed in water with a negative current. The cleansing process takes place in a footbath and takes only 30 minutes.

As toxins are gently removed, the water changes colour, indicating a cleansing of cells and detoxifying of the body. During the footbath the water interacts with a compound electric current and magnetic field structure, causing the water to change colour.
LUMATOX sessions generally support any body cleansing modality and may even reduce the discomfort associated with rapid purification. The therapy may also help purify the body more effectively because of its stress reducing and relaxing effects.

info: For more information call 02 9775 7456.

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2 responses to “Decontaminating the body”

  1. I have had over 6 treatments to date and it has been fabulous, i have been sleeping better and i can see the water has been getting clearer each visit. My overall health has improved.

  2. what a lot of steaming BS!!!!!…Right up there with oxygen therapy to cure hiv…santa claus and the easter bunny!