Farewell Falwall

Farewell Falwall

That Jerry Falwell, for all of his gay-bashing freakiness, was right about one thing. Teletubby Tinky Winky was such a homo. All of the gay men I know are purple and round-middled and carry handbags. Not to mention them having televisions on their stomachs and upside down triangle hats.

I know it’s wrong to speak ill of the dead and everything, but Jerry Falwell was a total tool. Not only did he set his sights on outing a scary purple alien kid’s television character, he opened a university with the most incorrect name ever.

Liberty University should really be called Deprivation of Liberty University, if the list of student rules is anything to go by. I mean, what is the point of a university where men can’t wear shorts (higher than mid-thigh). Where women can’t have facial piercings, and where any student caught in a hotel room with a member (or more! Imagine!) of the opposite sex faces an expulsion and serious fine.

Meantime, sexual assault cops the same punishment as drinking or possessing alcohol, and so does spending the night with a person of the opposite sex and academic dishonesty. Oh, and immorality, which I guess could include a bit of hot gay sex.

Falwell introduced America to what he called the moral majority, a group of freaky right-wingers that -“ according to the title -“ represented more of the country than the normal, non-gay-loathing people who didn’t care what gays did in their bedrooms (or wherever else they did it).

The Moral Majority eventually disbanded, leaving one to wonder what it was actually a majority of. But Falwell is, in death, being held up as a beacon of light for America’s religious right. He built a massive church from scratch but celebrated every single time life got harder for gay men and lesbians in the leading state of the free world. Now that’s liberty.

Too bad for him he’s remembered by about 90 percent of the world as the freak who was freaky enough to hunt for gays in kid’s television.

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