Karaoke idol

Karaoke idol

As a performer I love to have my finger in as many pies as I can. It helps keep everything fresh and you don’t get bored as quickly as you would doing the same sort of show over and over again.

One show I really enjoy is hosting karaoke and it seems Sydney on the whole can’t get enough of karaoke.

It’s crazy that I would be hosting something like karaoke as I have been told numerous times that I sound like a bastard when I sing. I should be one of those people you see on the worst of show for Australian Idol, but in my mind I sound like Whitney Houston pre-crack and that is all that matters. I guess it’s all about getting up and singing like you are in the shower by yourself. And trust me, a lot of the singers sound just like that. But it is crazy the types of people you find singing karaoke -“ some are terrible but put on the best show ever. Others go to karaoke as a part of a date, which is such a risk, as you watch the poor other half sit there, either cringing or smiling with glee. Then there are the ones I call the karaoke legends. They seem to follow karaoke shows around the city and consider karaoke more of a sport than just a bit of boozy fun.

So where can you let your hair down and belt out a tune or two? I have just joined the singing circle at Stonewall with the other two hostesses, Penny Dee and Candy Box. I was previously the official fill-in every Tuesday night but now I will be permanently coming on board.

Another karaoke event that I have been hosting for quite some time is at Mr Mary’s, the gay pub in Redfern. Kweereoke, as it has been named, is on every Friday night from 7:30pm. This is one of the strangest karaoke nights I have ever worked. Most of the time you can be assured there will be quite a few terrible singers to give everyone a good old chuckle but at Mr Mary’s the crazy thing is the majority of singers are fabulous. But like all of the other shows we accept all levels of talent.

For my final karaoke show, Tandoori Palace on Oxford Street could be the strangest venue I have ever worked at, but when approached I jumped at the chance. Yes, the restaurant has decided to really treat their guests with many different forms of entertainment and to start off their karaoke set they have commissioned the help of Penny Tration and me. Kylie’s naan naan naan means a whole different thing now.

After a few lazy bevies I think there is a little Kylie, Christina or Whitney in all of us and my only words of advice are: who cares what you sound like, just as long as you look fabulous doing it.

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