On a night like this?

On a night like this?

I’m sure I had a great night, if that’s what the blisters covering my feet are telling me. It started like any other Mardi Gras, up at Dawn’s crack, running around like chookless heads for the final touches that to take my outfit from great to fabulous. Something as trivial as a string of black beads can become life or death on the day of Mardi Gras. Having to work at the party straight after the parade, I had to make sure all my outfits where pre-packed and waiting for me in the dressing room.

But dashing around I found time slipped past me, and I had to get on with my transformation from butch man -“ let me dream a little please -“ to gorgeous girl.

For the first time in many years I was participating in the parade, so I soon found myself surrounded by sexy, huge Sydney Convicts rugby boys. With a skimpy referee outfit and whistle at the ready I was lifted up to the top of the truck, to oversee my boys. I strongly urge anyone who has never been in the parade to participate one year. The feeling is indescribable, to see so many smiling faces looking back at you, waving and cheering. There were times I welled up with pride, when I saw a familiar face in the crowd.

But I have to say the police spotted along the sides of the parade route seemed to have a hard time smiling. I understand they were there to do a job, but it’s not that hard to smile while working, I do it all the time. It should be noted the majority of female police officers were smiling from ear to ear. Good on you girls, next year we will have to try and get the boys to have a little fun too.

My float was way down the back so what I thought would take only an hour or so took a lot longer. I found myself in a mad dash to the party to climb a ladder and welcome every one to the party. I had my work cut out for me, as party-goers liked the forecourt so much they didn’t want to go into any of the halls for a long time. Once I was finished it was time to let my hair down. I changed into a butcher’s apron and was soon shaking a groove thing with all my friends.

The most memorable moment of my Mardi Gras was when Collette came out and sang You can Ring my Bell I almost feel off my seat. How camp was that! Absolutely fabulous. Oh and through the haze I think I actually met Nicole Kidman?

I hope everyone had a safe weekend and recovery, I’m so happy to take a rest for a little while, until the next party comes along, that is.

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