Out Quotes

Out Quotes

I remember saying to someone when I got one of those -˜don’t do it’ [comments] -“ I just remember hearing my voice being calm and saying, -˜No, it’s going happen. It’s going to happen. I’m just letting you know.’

-” Grey’s Anatomy actor TR Knight tells the Advocate how he reacted when advised to keep his sexuality under wraps for the sake of his career.

You’re talking to a guy who never stopped working from the time he was five years old. I came out, and it stopped.

-” Is former Dr Quinn Medicine Woman actor Chad Allen’s experience a premonition of things to come for TR Knight? From the American ABC TV network.

I did not get civil-unioned. I got married.

-” New Yorker Nancy Goldstein, about her relationship to Joan Hilty. A court ruled this month any resident who took advantage of Massachusetts gay marriage laws will have their relationship recognised legally in NY state -“ but only if they tied the knot before July 2006. From The New York Times.

I noticed he was carrying a woman’s handbag. At first, I didn’t realise he was a boy.

-” The spirit of the late Jerry Falwell lives on in the Polish government’s children’s rights spokesperson Ewa Sowinska, who ordered her department to investigate whether Tinky Winky the Teletubby promotes homosexuality to children. From Reuters.

Do bisexual men rotate the map just a little bit? Do gay men and women rotate their maps halfway around? Do bisexual women prefer a 135 degree rotation?

-” AAP article on the work of Dr Michael Tlauka of Britain’s University of Warwick, who discovered the best map readers are straight men followed by bisexual men, gay men, gay women, bisexual women and straight women in that order.

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