Pulling in sync

Pulling in sync

While Sydney’s beaches can feel as congested as a Kylie concert, Sydney’s rivers and lakes don’t get close to the same attention.
Rowing makes full use of Sydney’s less popular bodies of water while simultaneously offering a full-body workout and great team support.
Sydney Oars – Sydney’s only gay and lesbian rowing club – understands this better than anyone else.
Having formed only five years ago, the club is eager to recruit new members of all different fitness levels and ages.
“Rowing accommodates all fitness levels and can be practised at your own pace, making it ideal for everyone,” Sydney Oars head instructor Nick Ckando said.
In 2006, the advanced rowers in the Sydney Oars competed at the Montréal Gay Games. Twelve members from the club will compete at next year’s Asia Pacific Outgames in Melbourne.
While the more advanced rowers train during the week, on Saturday afternoons the club gets a bit more social and rowers of all experience levels are welcome to spend a day together in and out of the water.
“It’s definitely more social on Saturday afternoons,” Ckando said. “We all get in the water and just enjoy the afternoon and get a great workout.”
Rowing is a four step movement that uses each major muscle group in the body – a full-bodied exercise.
“The great thing is that each muscle group is being used in repetition. A highly effective workout is achieved in a shorter space of time,” Ckando said.
“I personally enjoy the camaraderie that the sport encourages. It goes further than a workout – it’s about team work, mental discipline and focus.”
Rowers of all levels are welcome on Saturdays from 4pm at the Glebe Rowing Club. Details: email Nick at [email protected].

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