World OutGames up and running

World OutGames up and running

The Copenhagen World OutGames this week launched their website while the city gets ready to welcome delegates from a range of interna-tional GLBT sports organisations.

Online registrations are now being accepted via the website, All sporting clubs intersted in taking part in the Games are encouraged to register their teams before 30 September to receive a discount.

The newly launched website will also be the first port of call for sportsmen and women, as well as fans, to find out more about the various events set to be staged.

The new website will be just one of many new developments shown off to international sporting delegates, who will descend on Copenhagen this weekend for a series of networking conferences.

The Gay and Lesbian International Sports Association, European Gay and Lesbian Sports Federation, the International Lesbian and Gay Association and the Copenhagen Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce will be some of the many organisations meeting with each other and the OutGames’ secretariat.

Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss upcoming challenges, and they’ll be treated to guided tours of the sporting and cultural venues which will be used during the 2009 Games.

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