Young web writers wanted
Volunteers are needed to help develop a new website for young queer writers at, the motto for which is Create, Belong, Become.
Twenty-one-year-old Melbourne-based writer, Luke Williams, said that will be launched in Sydney in March, and he hopes that queer youth aged under 26 who like writing, journalism or website development might like to volunteer their time to get the site up and running. This is an excellent opportunity to network young queer writers as well as provide information for queer youth all over Australia and indeed, the world, Williams said. And you don’t have to be from Melbourne to help out. While I’m creating the new site from home, most of the project can be done via the internet.
Volunteers for are welcome in a range of 14 sections, from sex to study skills, and Williams pointed out that, as the site is still in development stage, editors are required for each section. Anyone with knowledge in advertising, PR, marketing, web design, web development and youth culture I’m sure would also slot quite nicely into the Genq tribe, he said. Remember, this is as much a site about networking same-sex-attracted youth as about creating the website itself.
Williams thinks that the internet attracts same-sex-attracted youth (SSAY) because it bypasses time, space and identity to create a world of belonging and safety.
Youth websites are important not simply for information about coming out and meeting people, but also to access SSAY who would not otherwise have any opportunity to gain such resources, he said. Research shows that SSAY use the internet for company and information about sex. Indeed, -˜what goes where’ in GLBT sexual acts is not something that can be easily found in this heterosexist world. The internet also provides anonymity. SSAY who are struggling with their own identity can experiment and perhaps even declare their sexuality.
Essentially, internet use for SSAY is about belonging, experimenting and exploring, Williams concluded. How-ever, just like all kids, we like to be entertained, gossip and just be plain frivolous so the website is attempting to cater for as many tastes as possible.
People under 26 years of age who would like to get involved can call (03) 9799 0170 or email [email protected].