Youth to camp out

Youth to camp out

GLBTI and questioning youth aged between 13 and 17 are invited to take part in five days of summer camp-style fun in September on the picturesque shores of Smiths Lake.

Camp Out crew member Anika Vinson told Sydney Star Observer they got the idea for the camp after hearing about a GLBTI summer camp which has been held near Seattle in the US state of Washington for almost 10 years.

“One of our crew members discovered this camp in America called Camp Ten Trees which started as a camp for children of non-straight couples to give them peer support and find peer networks where the other kids were dealing with the same things they were,” Vinson said.

“We saw a massive gap here for something like this where really important peer networking and support can happen between LGBTIQ teenagers.”

At Camp Out, to be held from September 26 to October 1, same-sex attracted and questioning youth will be able to network with teens going through similar experiences, while participating in a range of arts, life skills and sporting activities in a safe and supervised environment.

Campers are also welcome to bring heterosexual friends along to share the camp experience and enjoy the week away.

“We’ve got a whole bunch of workshops like screenprinting, learning how to use a lithograph photocopier, video production, photography, how to record your own music, cooking and making your own zines,” Vinson said.

“We’re also going to have morning and afternoon sports and, as the camp is on a lake, there will be lots of canoeing and swimming.”

Teens will also be able to participate in talks and discussions about issues like coming out in high school or how to support a GLBTI or questioning friend.

“None of the workshops are compulsory though. We want this to be a place where the kids can come and be themselves and engage with the camp how they want to engage with it.”

Campers will stay in shared cabins, and the camp area has a full kitchen and covered common spaces in case of wet weather.

Camp Out is a non-profit organisation. The camp’s supervisors have received mentoring and training from GLBTI youth organisation Twenty10.

The suggested cost of the camp is $175, but organisers will negotiate that price if someone is in a special needs situation.

An information picnic for parents and teens will be held on Sunday, September 12 at 2pm at Jubilee Park, Glebe.

info: Visit

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