Pride flag investigation

Pride flag investigation

The US military is investigating photographs that appear to show a soldier raising a gay pride flag at a base in Afghanistan.

The three images were originally posted on the wall of a Facebook group called Wipeout Homophobia by Nicole Jodice, who described the images with the caption, “Hubbie in Afghanistan raising a gay pride flag”.

Far-right anti-gay religious lobby the Family Research Council (FRC) was quick to slam the images.

“There, in the dusty desert of war, an army outpost saluted the colours of the homosexual lobby by flying a rainbow flag in place of Old Glory,” FRC’s Tony Perkins said.

“These displays are an uncomfortable reminder of the open policy that few of the troops support.”

Perkins also blamed US President Barack Obama for being intolerant toward religious freedom.

Fox News reported that the International Security Assistance Force is investigating the images but was unsure of the details.

Perkins said flying the rainbow flag was tantamount to the controversial Koran-burning incident in February.

“What price will we pay because some want to use the military to show their gay pride?” he asked.

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3 responses to “Pride flag investigation”

  1. Im not so enthusiastic about your approach on this one, SSO.

    It seems that Perkin’s original wording was
    “… Just three weeks after President Obama publicly apologized for offending the Islamic community with the accidental Koran burning, this base is pledging its allegiance to an act that is nearly as incendiary.” The meaning of “tantamount” is similar, but you have skewed what he was saying. Your reporting is less accurate than simply quoting him as stating it was “nearly as incendiary.”

  2. Is the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins the same Perkins from the movie “Psycho”?

  3. I personally think that is awesome and good on the guy for having the guts to show support for the gay community! No matter where you are, what country your in and no matter what anyone else thinks, be proud of who you are and the cause you support!