Wedding winners to speak tonight

Wedding winners to speak tonight

The issue of marriage equality is raised on Channel 10’s 6.30 with George Negus tonight, as reporter Meggie Palmer investigates the plight of Sydney couple Lauren and Suzanne. As reported in the Star Observer this week, the girls entered a radio competition on the Nova Sydney breakfast show hosted by Merrick and Dools and won the chance for a same-sex wedding in New York City.

On tonight’s program, the couple, who have been together for over six years, talk about their New York nuptials. The program will investigate how New York passed its marriage equality bill and the uphill struggle to make that a reality in Australia.

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3 responses to “Wedding winners to speak tonight”

  1. Actually NYC has had the smarts to not require CNI’s… So any couple could be married if they want…

  2. Of course they won’t actually be able to get married as the Australian governmet will refuse to issue them with a certificate of no impediment to marriage.