Make Gay Saunas More Social for Seniors

Make Gay Saunas More Social for Seniors
Image: Representative image

Gay saunas operate some terrific themed nights, though no Australian sauna seemingly offers afternoon-themed events for gay and bi Seniors.

Yet that’s when we, the retired older men, are available. We’re looking for both sexual AND social interaction. And saunas ideally offer both.

And here’s the rationale for themed events for gay and bi seniors:

  • Many older mature-age gents are still sex-driven. We want sex at some level and to be part of the scene where it happens.


  • Meeting twice a month, in the middle of the day, keeps the event both special and desirable. Having it more often reduces the numbers and defeats the group’s socialising purpose.


  • Entice us there with some bonus extras like FREE snacks and half-price drinks. That also implies mixing with others while we eat – and is seen as good value for our admission price.


  • Online forum participants frequently express an interest in regular wank group/circle jerk activities when anal sex is a step too far. Tentative married bi-men want to meet, converse and play with like-minded others – and this activity is currently not offered elsewhere.


  • Who doesn’t enjoy a laugh when ‘taking a break’ from sexual activities? We older men lovingly remember the icons we grew old with – Blanche, Hyacinth, and the grumpy retiree, Victor Meldrew to name but three. Laughing together is good therapy for us all.


  • Free sexual health checks also attract sexually active men who can’t or won’t attend their family doctor. Therefore this is an ideal opportunity to reach this hard-to-educate group, especially the married bisexual.


  • And finally, perhaps the most important offer of all – no compulsory Photo ID. So many married bi-men are paranoid about having to disclose their identity.The idea of an unknown and therefore distrusted third party having their privacy details logged and stored is anathema so strong that they now look elsewhere to suburban sex cinemas and beats. Without this four-hour exemption, these men will not return.

Can such an event be successful? There’s only one way to find out. Well worth a try, I say!


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3 responses to “Make Gay Saunas More Social for Seniors”

  1. I so totally agree. I’m ‘almost’ Senior (at 54). I came out in the mid 80s and fondly remember The Roman Bath on Pitt Street – I used to go straight from there to High School 😜. Back then I was an Ugly Duckling but popular due to my age. Now, I am still self-conscious about my appearance and would love a chance to get to a sauna with those I feel most comfortable with. Let’s try and organise some Sauna time for those of us that remember when it was illegal to be Us.