Taio Cruz and Kylie or Travie McCoy?

Taio Cruz and Kylie or Travie McCoy?

Taio Cruz really gets around.

In the past year the British pop sensation has recorded a hit duet with Ke$ha, hooked up with Kylie for a re-vamped version of Higher and now replaced Australia’s pop princess with Billionaire singer Travie McCoy on the same song.


It seems the Kylie-fied version of Higher (bottom of post) is strictly for Australia and Europe, while Travie’s take on the song (below) is being promoted in America.

This is a bit of a blow for the pint sized pop icon because Taio is huge in the States and the duet would have raised her profile over there considerably.

It’s their loss because Kylie’s version is vastly superior.

Which interpretation of Higher do you prefer?

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8 responses to “Taio Cruz and Kylie or Travie McCoy?”

  1. Sorry i forgot an apostrophe in the part of the passage “Kylies” where it should say “Kylie’s”. I need to start observing grammar more online as well as in writing. Lol.

  2. I think Kylies voice is great but the rapping from Travie adds a new element to the song, one that would appeal to the music genre of rapping Americans seem to be going through now. I think both versions are great but Travie’s version statistically seems to appeal more to Americans than anywhere else.