Civil union ceremonies scrapped

Civil union ceremonies scrapped

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has announced he will amend the state’s Civil Partnerships Act to preclude same-sex couples from having a state-sanctioned ceremony.

In a press conference this afternoon, Newman said that the Act will otherwise remain intact but that the changes were a demonstration of “good faith” to Christian churches who lobbied to repeal civil unions because they emulated marriage.

“The Civil Partnerships Act allows legal certification which streamlines administrative matters when same-sex couples apply for entitlements with the Government,” Newman said.

“The amendments will keep those legal rights but provide for no state-sanctioned ceremony… which is what offended Christian groups.”

Newman said the decision was made after a lengthy discussion with cabinet and talks with church representatives, but admitted he hadn’t consulted with the LGBT community, saying he’d spoken with advocates before the election and knew where they stood.

He also announced that celebrants who applied to be notaries for same-sex civil union ceremonies would have their application fee refunded.

Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie announced last month that he was examining the possibility of a full or partial repeal of civil union laws and sought legal advice on available alternatives, admitting all options were on the table.

Before the March election, Newman initially said he would not contemplate scrapping the laws if civil unions had already occurred, and that a repeal wasn’t a priority if he became premier.

He then appeared to backflip, pledging his support for a full repeal while speaking at an Australian Christian Lobby event in February, as long as it didn’t leave couples in “legal limbo”.

Action on civil unions was also not mentioned in the Liberal National Party’s (LNP) first 100-day plan released just prior to their election victory.

The LNP opposed the laws when they were debated in Parliament last year.

One of the first couples to register their civil union under the new laws told the Star Observer in May that a full or partial repeal would be devastating.

“It would feel like being treated like an animal, being declassified by [the Government] saying your relationship isn’t like everybody else’s,” Michael O’Brien said.

“If they’re going to change it to a relationship register, I mean that just sounds like something for pets.

“It would signal that our relationships were not valid, not equal.”

O’Brien and his partner Anthony Gillespie registered their union with the Brisbane Office of Births, Deaths and Marriages on February 23.

More than 600 civil unions have been registered since their introduction in February.

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84 responses to “Civil union ceremonies scrapped”

  1. Here we go again……Mr Can’t Do with his deceipt, dictatorship and lies. Religion is based on beliefs, not fact and although I was raised in a catholic family, science can account for everything in this world and most religious people are the biggest hyprocrites about! How many priests have molested boys yet THEIR word counts over the gay community?
    You’re a red neck Campbell, of the most narrow minded nature. You disgust me that you stand like god almighty and decide on the happiness of others.
    Thankfully, I didn’t vote for you, you pig.

  2. Queensland fundamentalists are extremists. I seem to recall that during the Bjelke Petersen dark ages, they were only too happy to support the neofascist League of Rights. Someone needs to do some earnest investigation to see whether their militant fundamentalists still have jackboots concealed under the bed. If the footwear does turn up, use it against the LNP.

    I still intend to browbeat LGBT New Zealanders into boycotting Queensland. If Newman knows what’s good for his tourism industry in a time of recession, he’ll back down on this, or else pay the consequences.

  3. When we travel and book a hotel a request is also made to the hotel management. “Please remove any Bibles from our booked room”. We don’t want our holiday ruined by violent stories about raped and enslaved women, murdering disobedient children, and sons being sacrificed to a barbaric, goat herders god.
    Look, we have travelled most of Queensland and often motel owners will say, “but we only have a room with a double bed left”, so we have to sleep in the car again. Even though mining is booming in Queensland, the towns are dying due to fly-in, fly-out. Accommodation is very much 1980’s and dreadfully run down. Many motels still have tin/iron Donga’s out the back for weary travellers.
    We were looking forward to the Birdsville races this year but that will be rejected in favor of a visit to Sydney.

  4. marriage is marriage whether it be 2 female, 2 males or 1 female and 1 male, all means the same thing to each couple

  5. Ehh gay people don’t deserve marriage, it’s disgusting for same sex couples to marry. A complete breach of all holy sacrament. Have some respect for religions.

  6. This just shows me how backwards Queenslanders are. People say when traveling to Queensland that you have to turn your clock back 20 years and one hour, Campbell Newman has just proven that Queenslanders are truly living 20 years in the past :(. This makes me really sad to live in a country where something like this could happen.

  7. “I would just like to show my support by taking rights that have no affect on you away from people you will never meet.”

  8. I no longer celebrate Christian holidays Easter and Christmas etc. They are only days on a calendar to me. They have no significant meaning as I have ZERO faith in Christianity and what it stands for. I hate you Christianity for trying to rule everyone’s life. In my personal opinion, Christianity is all fake.

  9. @Jam – Marriage is not Christian. You can have a Christian marriage, but you can also have a Muslin marriage or a Shinto marriage or a secular marriage. The only difference is the religious ceremony added to the legal marriage process. So you can absolutely have your union agreement that has no religious base. :)

    Christians should not be dictating how we legislate marriage because they don’t hold a monopoly on marriage. That’s like the government banning pork because the Jewish orthodoxy protested and said that it’s un-Jewish to eat pork. It’s wrong to force religious values on people.

    For a lot of people, the social concept of ‘getting married’ cannot be meaningfully replaced with ‘state-recognised relationship’. That’s what this whole debate is about – gay couples being able to experience the same social recognition as heterosexual couples.

  10. To all, please don’t bash the state and many of it’s people, don’t play that old game of Sydney and Melbourne are better, as they have different sorts of problems. When you say we are redneck you put that tag on gay, lesbian, bi sexual and transgender, intersex people who live here too. This is the work of a few men not the decision of a few. We need your support, not a reproduction of 70’s 80’s views of Queensland. Yes it has slipped back, but what’s making it worse is the instant labels and assumptions you lot in this forum are putting on it. It is especially tragic to see young people not born in the Joh era just reproducing their parents’ views. You don’t have to like the state, some of you Sydneysiders still carry on hate campaigns against Melbourne and Brisbane which are decades old, but just because this travesty has happened it does not mean everyone is redneck or voted for Newman. Get a grip and aim it at the man and the government not the land.

  11. The blame should centre less on Newman and more on the voters of QLD. Even as a young voter I had no disillusions about what an LNP party would mean for; the environment, civil liberties, multiculturalism, social services, land rights ect ect. You are what you vote and sadly if you voted for them, you are invariably part of this regression.

  12. Samesex marriage is not legal in Bali lol, besides, ur better off boycotting North Carolina

  13. King Henry VIII (Founder of the Church of England) married 6 times. Divorced 2. Executed 2. One died then he did. Hypocritical church much?

  14. Just keep in mind how people responded to bob katter’s tactics and how well it worked for him and that was on gay marriage.
    This is removing civil unions in which even more people support, cannot wait to see the backlash for this.

  15. I’m from North Carolina, USA, and as a proud parent of a gay son, who was born that way and I wouldn’t want him any other way, is so sadden by this. I speak highly of Australia in so many ways and have seen your country progress forward in so many ways. Your country and ours is supposed to be secular not allowing one religious group to rule how we live. I’m respectful of all faiths and know so many Christians who not only support equal worker rights in our country but also support same sex marriage. We have been “highjacked” in our state as well as others and states that allow same-sex marriage and/or civil union, which are now being “attacked” by the narrow-minded ignorant inhumane Christian right to overturn existing laws of same sex marriage and civil unions. NC has become in essence the “Christian Republic” of North Carolina for now. I hate to see Australia, specifically QLD become in essence a “Christian Republic.” Regardless of how the pendulums are swinging toward the right again in both countries, the pendulum is always in motion and will swing one day the other way. The conservative Christians are scared and fighting back everywhere for what they know in their heart will happen; that is, one day our nations will become enlightened for the rights, equalities and humaneness of all people as not only legalizing civil unions, but also same sex marriage will be allowed in the many growing places of worship, to include Christian, who want to perform those rites of marriage. We have a Baptist church right now in NC that won’t perform any marriages until this law changes to allow same sex marriage. Enlightenment is growing and will prevail! Never give up the work or the hope! Namaste.

  16. Anyone wonder why Brad and Charlie are reading the observer? (actually I’m amazed that they can read at all)

  17. This just astounds me! Clearly we must now boycott all Gloria Jeans and destroy Queensland and the red neck politicians that run the state.

    Members of GLBT in Queensland move to NSW or Vic … Cancel all holidays and tell friends overseas! Campbell Newman should imprisoned for crimes against humanity … And for just been a loser!

  18. I whole-heartedly believe in the recognition of same-sex, transgender and/or any two human being unions nation wide. However I don’t disagree with Campbell Newman’s decision because I actually don’t think that marriage is the answer. It’s Christian and it’s completely outdated as Tony (above) points out with their comment re: re-marriage and divorce.

    The thing is that that article doesn’t say that he won’t recognise same-sex partnerships, it says that the state won’t sanction marriage. And I don’t really understand the marriage phenomenon in contemporary society anyway. The majority of us aren’t Christian and apparently most of us aren’t interested in unions that last “till death do us part” either. I’m 20 and I sincerely hope that by the time I’m thinking about marriage there’ll be an alternate state and nationally recognised union agreement that is not based on the Bible, because I don’t believe in that. I do respect it and the fact that Australia was colonised by Christians, but in my opinion, it’s no longer sufficient to the demands of contemporary society.

  19. Let me get this straight (hurr).

    He didn’t consult those of whom the rights actually apply to, but had lengthy discussions with religious leaders- who are completely irrelevant and of no importance to this issue.

    Right. SOUNDS LEGIT.


  21. Glad that I dont live in Queensland! They certainly earn their reputation for being rednecks! Why do we care if church groups are offended? Im sick of politicians sucking up too church groups! And why wasn’t the LGBT community consulted? That’s hardly fair! And for the record, I’m a straight female.

  22. “and mark, please don’t tell Christians what they believe if you have no idea.”

    LOL that’s rich coming from someone who belongs to a religion where most of its followers dont seem to know what they believe. None of you lot follow it to the letter anyway.

  23. Forget the issues with Human Rights, there are two glaring reasons why the ACL should have no bearing on this issue.

    The act described a STATE-SANCTIONED ceremony that EMULATED marriage.

    1.) State-Sanctioned: Meaning that it is the State (QLD) that recognises these partnerships, not the church, not Bill Cosby, and not Marvin the Martian, Queensland ALONE is the sole-recogniser of the partnership. As far as this law is concerned the Church is perfectly within it’s rights to not recognise it. However, they should have no right to request it be taken away.

    2.) Emulates: Meaning “like… but not”. Put simply, it’s not marriage. Even if the church did hold a monopoly on marriage (which it doesn’t since many Asian religions and indeed many atheistic groups had been performing them for a long time prior to the Catholic/Christian churches adoption of the ritual), that monopoly would NOT encompass this, simply because it’s not marriage.

    Done, End of story. This act in no way, shape or form impeaches upon the rights of the church in Australia. All it does is provide same-sex couples a ceremony by which to celebrate their union, with no church involvement or recognition required.

    A Straight Queenslander Against Government Becoming The ACL’s Bitch

  24. er brad in qld, michael obrien was in a civil partnership, so he wasnt technically married anyway if i am understanding the difference correctly. Why shouldnt he be allowed to enter this partnership with the person he loves? This decision is a disgrace and is pure bigotry at its worst. SHAME LNP SHAME.

  25. Without the loud voice given to religious fanatics of the ACL by pandering politicans and the media they would be forced to face reality and live in the Real World accepting everyone as their equal .

  26. I’m a Greek Orthodox Christian, but in the last 2 years I’ve been offended by the Christian Lobby as well as churches and church leaders all over who someone is attracted to and falls in love with. frankly if this is where Christianity is heading then count me out!!!!

  27. Okay – so Queensland is officially off my list of places to go.
    Totally disgusted. Screw you, Campbell Newman.

  28. Who gives a flying fig if the Christians were offended? It was their decision to be Christian and their decision to have those beliefs and they get first priority? Yet I did not decide to be gay, I’m simply being who I was born to be and my RIGHTS come second?
    I won’t be stepping foot in QLD or buying from any QLD businesses til this is overturned!