Dylan Mulvaney Speaks Out After Bud Light Fails To Stand By Her

Dylan Mulvaney Speaks Out After Bud Light Fails To Stand By Her
Image: Dylan Mulvaney has recently spoken out against the beer company, Bud Light for not protecting her. Images: Dylan Mulvaney/Instagram/Facebook

Trans TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney has spoken out against Bud Light, stating that the company failed to “stand by” her after she received fierce transphobic backlash during a partnership with them.

In April, Mulvaney faced intense amount of abuse after the collaboration with the beer company for a sponsored post on Instagram. Immediately, there was a call to boycott the beer, along with photos of smashed bottles appeared on supermarket shelves.

Mulvaney took to Instagram, posting a video where she spoke freely about the abuse, bullying and transphobia that resulted in her being “scared to leave my house.”

The backlash had caused Mulvaney “a loneliness I wouldn’t wish on anybody.”


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“What transpired from that video was more bullying and transphobia than I could have ever imagined… I was waiting for the brand to reach out to me, but they never did,” she said.

What started it all was the beer company sending Mulvaney a personalised can with her face on it, in celebration of her one year since she publicly transitioned.

Mulvaney did not hold back when she called out Bud Light for failing to stand behind her publicly.

“For a company to hire a trans person, then not publicly stand by them is worse, in my opinion, than not hiring a trans person at all.”

“The hate doesn’t end with me, it has serious and grave consequences for the rest of our community… to turn a blind eye and pretend everything is OK, it just isn’t an option right now.”

Bud Light’s Failure

The beer company has been slapped with criticism for how it handled the issue. The chief executive of Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch stated that he “never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people.”

In response to his statement, five LGBTQ+ bars in Chicago stopped serving the beer.

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