Candidate labelled ‘pro-sodomite’ for gay marriage support

Candidate labelled ‘pro-sodomite’ for gay marriage support

A senate candidate for Queensland has been attacked by a church group for supporting gay marriage.

Independent candidate for Queensland Peter Pyke said he received an email from Granite Belt Baptist Church in Stanthorpe on August 12, calling him a “pro-sodomite” for his stance.

“Your party looked half decent until I saw that you are pro-sodomite,” an email allegedly from Granite Belt Baptist Church said.

Pyke told Sydney Star Observer he was surprised by the response.

“This is 2010, really it’s time Australia came out of the dark ages.

“This is an issue of equality and the right of people to marry is one of them.”

Pyke said he believed most Australians were tolerant and ready to “take the step towards [gay] marriage.”

“It’s only the homophobes and bigots who are  in religion who are holding Australia back,” he said.

“I’m worried that these [views] may be masking more deep-seated homophobia.”

Known as an anti-corruption campaigner, Pyke is founder of a new centrist party, the Republican Democrats, and a former police sergeant in Queensland Police.

Pyke said it wasn’t until the early ’80s after having a lesbian police partner his own views on gay and lesbian people changed.

An online party biography of Pyke states as a police officer in the ’70s and ’80s he didn’t tolerate “the then-widespread bashing by Queensland police of gay men and Aboriginal Australians”.

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5 responses to “Candidate labelled ‘pro-sodomite’ for gay marriage support”

  1. Regarding the issue of gay marriage. I see no objection to homosexual people joining in a legal and social union. However, since marriage is, by definition, a union between a man and a woman, I am not sure that it is marriage that homosexual people are asking for. I would imagine that a legal ceremony and contract, conferring all the legal rights and privileges that are accorded married people could be instituted. This would confer on homosexual couples the equality desired but such a union, call it what you like, is not a marriage.

  2. There is a word for people like that who use the excuse of “religion” to hide their very deep-seated hatred of homosexuality: “Christo-fascists”. In their heart of hearts they would have us all sent to concentration camps, complete with gas chambers.
    Evil people such as these need to be called out on their hatred and soundly condemned by all in authority and also the media.
    True Christians would be compassionate – and would understand that it is a fallacy to quote Leviticus against gays when Christ himself freed his followers from the old law to give them the new law – love. The Granite Belt Baptist Church are servants of Satan if ever anyone deserved that title.

  3. If this group of mystical crackpots are so anti-sodomy, why do they try to fuck over gay people?

  4. Sounds like those that run the Granite Belt Baptist Church might be having trouble with their own sexuality. I mean it is not the first time and anti Gay redneck Baptist preacher has used a rent boy on the side. I would not be suprised if this is what is happening here.

    Always remember at Mardi Gras and Midsummer we out number all those that got Church on any Sunday in Australia.

    The real story of Sodom is about giving your daughters up for sex with strangers. Nothing to do with us. Jesus accepted Same-Sex couples.