Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

straight support
It is wonderful to see the straight press advocating the rights of grey gays. There was a very informative and supportive article in The Senior monthly newspaper, Pension -˜outs’ gay couples.
The same perspective on the financial problems imposed by the new pension equality changes applies to lesbian mums as well as grey gays of all genders including self-funded retirees and working couples.
-” John

President-elect of the U.S.A. Barack Obama appointed a rabidly homophobic pastor to deliver the invocation at his swearing-in ceremony.
Part of Obama’s response to criticism from the gays was to say that he wished to create an atmosphere where we can disagree without being disagreeable.
So why did he not appoint a racist Ku Klux Klan member to create this atmosphere? Thereby really making his point!
-” Ulo

Why are nude beaches inaccessible?
Obelisk and Cobblers’ beaches on Sydney’s North Shore have no public transport on weekends and the walks to them are only for the able.
Werong’s on the way to Wollongong, whilst Lady Jane is elbow to elbow during summer and all but private with visitors on the tourist trail photographing the unclad.
Most concerning of all is the complete absence of life guards, despite rips operating through the beaches. Are the lives of nudists less important than textiles?
-” Stuart

Oh balls. If I have to read another letter from some angry queen on Oxford St, or some belligerent yuppie in Newtown, I think my head will explode. Let’s face it, they are one and the same.
They complain ad nauseam about the loud people partying in and around Oxford St, or the Imperial all the time. Unless they’ve been living there since before Oxford St became Sydney’s gay mecca, or the Imperial was opened, what right do they have to complain?
Surely, the very reason they moved there was, in the case of Oxford St, to be close to the scene, and in the case of Newtown, to be part of the bohemian lifestyle.
To turn around now and do a Pauline Hanson because maybe you’re past your prime or you don’t like going out any more or, in the case of Newtown, became tired of Paddington and wished to move out to the suburbs is a load of rot.
People know Oxford St is a party street. If you don’t like it, then frankly, bugger off somewhere else and let the rest of us enjoy it.
-” James

Have I got this right?
A man who wears long frocks, has a passion for red shoes, jewellery and baubles, lives in a palace with a predominantly male household, holds views regarded by some as superstition and heads an organisation with a long history of pedophilia regards me as a threat to the future of mankind because I am gay.
You are kidding.
-” Ron

As an atheist I am forever entertained by the claims and utterances of the religious and their leaders. However, this week of peace and goodwill to all has really got my atheist gay gander up.
First we learn that the United Nations with the backing of all 27 European Union members (and Australia) is making a declaration calling for the decriminalisation of homosexuality around the globe. The Vatican and the Organisation of Islamic States are openly opposing the declaration.
Next, the Pope, in a world riven with war (mostly of religious origin), stricken with hunger, poverty and disease in many countries, uses his Christmas message to state that homosexuality and transsexuality are as much a threat to the survival of the human race as climate change.
I am at a loss for words, so will quote Adele Horin from her excellent Opinion column in Saturday’s [27/12/08] Sydney Morning Herald, Why gays want to belong to a club that despises their way of living and loving is beyond me. Church leaders feel free to write off homosexuals in a way that would not be tolerated if other minorities were condemned in similar vein.
I rest my case!!
-” Colin

To the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney:
I am appalled at statements made by the leader of the Catholic Church in which he puts homosexuality ahead of climate change as a threat to humanity.
This is no less than vilification and hate preached from the very top of your church. It just goes to show how irrelevant and destructive the Catholic Church is in today’s world -” and becoming more so.
Your leader should take a lesson from US President-elect Barack Obama on inclusiveness.
You claim that Christmas is a period of giving, love and compassion -” tell that to your leader!! Every homophobe has just been given carte blanche by your leader to go out and attack and vilify homosexual men and women.
It is of absolutely no concern to the church who I should sleep with in a loving, supportive, consensual relationship. The Church and other homophobes seek to associate homosexuality with pedophilia (despite evidence to the contrary) in order to justify their positions of hate.
There is nothing more threatening to homophobic, medieval thinking than the millions of homosexual men and women who live normal, loving, fruitful and constructive lives -” the same as the majority of people in general society.
The Church’s paranoia on homosexuality shows that it is more concerned with what happens in the privacy of people’s bedrooms rather than tackling poverty, rectifying injustices, helping to avoid the destruction of our planet.
It is not homosexuality that is creating terror, destroying lives, blowing up property and ancient treasures around the world in such places as Afghanistan, the Middle East, Mumbai, New York City, London, Madrid, Bali etc. It is religion -” arguably the most destructive force on the planet today!
The Church in its compassion would rather see millions of people stricken and dying with HIV/AIDS than condone and support the use of condoms. Why?
There are many within the Church who do good works at the grassroots level, despite the teachings and prejudices of Church leadership.
Get with it, Church -” are you about love or hate?
-” Bruce


Just wondering if the New Mardi Gras has forgotten, well, us the people.
Since October 10 last year I have sent eight emails and followed up with at least six phone calls. Not once have I received a reply to either.
My question is a very simple one: Due to an overwhelming response from the public at last year’s Mardi Gras we, the ’78ers, are constantly asked, when are you marching again? We should be marching every year.
Remember that if it wasn’t for us guys and girls you probably wouldn’t be putting a parade on. Now I don’t want to hear that there is not enough time to include us this year. I look forward to a reply this time, Mardi Gras Board.
-” Kye

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4 responses to “Letters to the Editor”

  1. there is a 78ers presence honouring lance gowland, and you can contact new mardi gras and they will pass on details to you .

  2. Richard

    Here here !! Kye – you should be talking to some of the Key 78ers who have done this in years gone by like Dianne Minnis – She will be able to help !!

  3. To Kye’s letter this week about 78ers marching in Mardi Gras, can I suggest that it’s not really Mardi Gras who should be organising a marching group, but the marchers themselves?

    In my opinion Mardi Gras does an excellent job in enabling such a great parade – the key word is ‘enabling’. They come up with the overall theme, organise the necessary permits, work hard on building relationships with the necessary authorities to ensure a trouble-free parade, and co-ordinate the marshalling and control of thousands of participants and hundreds or thousands of spectators..

    Mardi Gras does provide support for a very small number of floats, but the rest are organised by volunteers from each of the various interest groups.

    I’ve been lucky enough to be in or at all but one Mardi Gras march or parade, including 1978. I’ve organised at least ten floats. And I’ve always accepted that the responsibility for putting on floats or organising groups should remain with the community, and that the responsibility for the enablement of the parade lies with Mardi Gras.

    So, the best way to get a 78ers group together is to find a few other 78ers and organise it.

    Note: My only involvement in New Mardi Gras is I am a founding member.

  4. @Ulo

    You have completely missed the point of Obama. He is about inclusion, not exclusion, and about drawing attention to what unites Americans, not what divides them. There is a massive evangelical population in the States and he has to lead them too.