Star Observer Supports The ‘Yes’ Vote

Star Observer Supports The ‘Yes’ Vote
Image: Image: Yes23

Six years ago, Australians joined hands to support a historic vote for marriage equality. This October, they are once again being called upon to demonstrate their commitment to equality and justice by voting for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

The concept is straightforward and was originally put forward by First Nations people themselves in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Indigenous Australians deserve a voice and a seat at the table when it comes to decisions that impact their communities. It’s a matter of basic fairness and inclusion – nothing more, nothing less.

In an ideal world, this issue should not be contentious. However, much like the campaign against marriage equality in 2017, the Yes vote for the Indigenous Voice is facing targeted vilification and disinformation campaigns. Familiar faces from the ‘No’ campaign on same-sex marriage are once again taking centre stage in their opposition to the Voice.

The Voice Matters To Australia

It’s important to recognize that the majority of Australians may not be directly impacted by the Voice to Parliament. 

However, just as the fight for marriage equality mattered immensely to LGBTQI communities and their loved ones, so does the Indigenous Voice matter to First Nations people and their allies.

In 2017, over 60 per cent of Australians understood the importance of granting equal rights to a marginalised and vulnerable minority. Australians must make a similar choice on October 14, 2013 – stand with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities or align with the “No” campaign. 

‘The Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Voice To Parliament Is The First Step’


We Need To Say ‘Yes’ Again

The consequences of this decision will resonate for generations among Australia’s First Nations people. A ‘No’ vote will also weigh on the national conscience, setting back the progress that we have made to right past injustices.


It will be a defining moment for our nation, one that carries the weight of history and the potential for a brighter future.

The Star Observer proudly stands behind the Yes campaign for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice  to Parliament. 

When October 14 arrives, we urge every Australian to do the right thing – vote ‘Yes’. Stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities and ensure that their voices are heard and respected in the halls of power. This is a momentous opportunity to rectify historical injustices and build a more inclusive and equitable Australia for all its citizens.


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One response to “Star Observer Supports The ‘Yes’ Vote”

  1. So Glad that the SSO has come OUT in support of the Voice to Parliament I hope it’s not too late….. as the first photographer for Michael Glynn who started the SSO, I’m proud to say I’ve already voted YES!!!!
    We stand hopefully beside our indigenous brothers & sistas for a new & better future. 🖤😍♥️