Christian party to ‘protect children’

Christian party to ‘protect children’

Evangelical Christian leader Danny Nalliah is today launching a new right-wing Christan party which vows to “protect children from homosexuality”.

The controversial Catch The Fire Ministries pastor said the Rise Up Australia Party has been formed to protect freedom of speech and “the erosion of Christian values in Australia”.

“This party is totally committed to protecting the Australian way of life and our Christian heritage upon which Australia was founded,” Nalliah said.

While heavily focusing on the “failure” of multiculturalism in Australia and on combating the introduction of sharia law, one of Rise Up’s aims is to “protect children from homosexuality as it creates health problems”.

Party policy states that it aims to “protect the traditional family unit … comprising man, woman and children”.

“While recognising that adults are free to pursue their own sexuality in private, we reject and resist the promotion of homosexuality as a normal lifestyle in schools and in public,” the party website said.

“We affirm the basic human right for a child to have both a male and a female as its parents in the best interests of the child; we reject same-sex marriage, bigamy, polygamy.”

The party says it is looking for 500 members to register to contest the next federal election.

Nalliah attracted outrage in 2009 when he blamed the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires — which killed more than 170 people — on the passage of legislation decriminalising abortion.

The Islamic Council of Victoria also took Nalliah to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal for breaching the state’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.

Nalliah and another ministry member were found to have vilified Muslims during a public seminar in 2002. The ruling was overturned in the Court of Appeal in 2006, leading the two parties to settle the dispute in mediation.

In 2008 The Australian newspaper quoted Nalliah spurning moves to change federal laws on same-sex couple entitlements.

“Suddenly we are seeing laws being passed under the cunning strategy of tolerance and political correctness to change what was once a crime into accepting behaviour, such as homosexuality, pedophilia, incest,” he said.

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22 responses to “Christian party to ‘protect children’”

  1. Yes, because Australia doesn’t have enough of these parties. Thank god they haven’t realised that they are all exactly the same and could merge into one for more power.

  2. children have been protected by christians in the past, protected and abused. No political party or religion can protect children from homosexuality, it’s a part of human existence and it does not cause harm to children. The harm is created by how other’s react to it.

    Australia is suppose to be a democracy. If Australia was a true democracy there’d be no laws preventing same sex couples from celebrating and commiting to each other in marriage. This basic human right would be extended to them. However, Australia is NOT a TRUE DEMOCRACY.

    Australia is a dictatorship and becoming more and more exposed as time goes on.

  3. Dave? does anyone dare to disagree with you? people have the right to an opinion and theres no need to call them a tool.

  4. @david

    Real Australian? Rainbow Collar? Denying history? I can see why you are drastically losing the debate with the public. Keep going you tool.

  5. NO RAINBOW COLLAR FOR ME well done chris – yes we were founded as a Christian nation. However having a rainbow prime minister and a rainbow greens leader now in joint power it seems that normal Aussi folk have no idea the agenda these two turkey’s have planned for us – bring on the next election and give us a break from their garbage and conceit.

  6. Chris Jackson seems not know history. The voice of Christianity Chris longs for has long been dead in this great country for good reason.

    We are an Aboriginal Nation. Some of us killed them and Chinese people in the name of Christianity.

    Dear Danny would of been shot in the days the Commonwealth was formed.

    So are we to return to those days? The good old days. You know, when signs read “NO Catholics” in most jobs. Or bars said “No Chinaman”. So the good old days were not really good were they. When Christains fought Christians. When people like Danny could not marry a white person, let alone preach his hate.

    So little old Chris is argueing people like Danny should once again be killed. And a White Australia policy be put in place. I certainly do not want to see a return to those days, as do few people in the community.

  7. “While heavily focusing on the “failure” of multiculturalism in Australia and on combating the introduction of sharia law, one of Rise Up’s aims is to “protect children from homosexuality as it creates health problems” oh yeah coz he looks like he comes from true blue aussie convict stock…

    now he’s preaching his clap trap out here (and probably making a small fortune)…. multiculturalisim certainly didnt fail him…

    another Christian hypocrite… the clowns of the new millenuim!

  8. Phillip Heywood I think you need to contact the Uniting Church of Victoria and do some of their anti-homophobic programs. You might then contact some of the Christian Churches, including the Anglican Church of Australia, that advertises in the GLBTI press (papers like this good one), for us to take children and look after them.
    Carefully consider your actions. They are based out of fear and ignorance, and come across as such.

    The Forgotten Generation Report, released as part of a Sorry Day, by the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, details the failings of Churches, and Christian people to look after children. There were children who vanished, who were killed, and like my sister, raped by Anglican Priest. There is a photo she has, of a bunch of children smiling playing on swings, there were 14 children in all that could have been any children, only 8 are alive today. So we could debate these children who have been killed, by Nuns and Priest, or my friend who has no knuckles as the Nuns made her hang the washing out for the Orphanage, morning and night, for most of her childhood. And the fact the Catholic Church likes to tip off Catholic Priest who fiddling children still today. But you would suffer further humiliation, only adding to your comments.

    We could even go and talk of the NAZI movement, how the first SS meeting took place in a Catholic Church, and how there were Catholic Bishops that helped Hitler win over the people, and implement his plans killing thousands of GLBTI people, Jewish people, those with a disability, and finally he was to include good Priest who stood up to him.

    Perhaps we could talk of the peer reviewed studies show us Same-Sex Parents do a fantastic job. Of Psychiatrist Association that would say your comments are homophobic- a real condition. You are basing what you say without facts and based of fear, so your arguments are apart from being nasty, are simply absurd. You need to get clinical help, and I think the best way forward for you is to do it with good Christians in the Uniting Church anti-Homophobic Program.

  9. Hmm. Some things go without saying, eh? Something went without saying, here. RUAP said it — children. The enemies of RUAP here study very carefully not to say it. No need to guess why. But it’s written between every line, and it’s written all over this page — in human degradation and suffering. “It is impossible but that offences will come; but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Suffer the little children, eh? Jesus Christ, and for that matter, Pastor Nalliah, are currently receiving sinfull men. Take pity on yourselves. Christ received me; he will receive sinners. Philip Heywood.

  10. Australia was a convict settlement – so I don’t know where he gets the “christian heritage” crap from??

  11. Australia was founded as a Christian Nation. In 1900 Sir Henry Parkes a Father of Australian Federation said “As we are a British people, we are pre-eminently a Christian people – as our laws, our whole system of jurisprudence, our Constitution – are based upon and interwoven with our Christian belief”. Sir John Downer one of the writers of the Australian Constitution said:Our Commonwealth of Australia will be, from this first stage a Christian Commonwealth”. Those who have left less happy places to join us have done so to share our rich heritage – we should be ready to rise up and defend this precious land. Australia can only survive as a Christian Nation if we are prepared to stand up and be counted. So many of us are ready to voice our despair, our anger, our disappointment at the way in which our present Government is robbing or allowing this wonderful God fearing country to be robbed of its heritage – it is time, Australia – to have a voice – be a voice – in the wilderness.

  12. There are millions of Australian Christians that support our community, and as we know poll after poll, the majority of Australians even support Same-Sex Marriage. There will always be tiny cults like the cult Danny runs, and there is the Australian Christian Lobby all trying to get the attention of the media, let alone Family First that voters put to ruin at the election. They all serve a purpose to alienate the community from their voice of homophobia and intolerance, the voice of racist slurs and rancid hate is not one the community cares to associate with. We saw the ANZAC day slurs, we saw the Danny has dream and God speaks to him slurs about “homosexuals”. Sadly Danny might well become a victim of his own speeches on race, of his own messages on “failed Multi Culturalism”. You can tell someone not to play with guns but Danny is an adult. If it goes off in his face we can only say “I told you so”.

    Apart from the Uniting Church, the third largest Church in Australia running anti-homophobic programs, I have known many good Christian Leaders working to help us. I remember in our darkest days while many of us were dying of AIDS, there were Nuns and Priest who greatly helped my friends. Even at the Rudd 20/20 Summit 99% of the people wanted Same-Sex Marriage and it was an Anglican Priest in a collar that led the charge for us. It disappeared form the initial media summary of the day as Tim Costello was the Co-Convenor and it appeared to me he hid this. Tim did though, include the findings in his final report, but the media attention had passed by then.

    In my life I have known many good Christians who find the views of such people as Danny, and the Australian Christian Lobby, as abhorrent as we do.

    One can easily look at Anglican Bishop John McIntyre of Gippsland, who has travelled to many parts of Australia championing the rights of people in the GLBTI community and breaking down barriers. He is also greatly critical of religious businesses ability to discriminate.

    There are Bishops that have larger congregations then all the people the Australian Christian Lobby could ever hope to bring together who are battling for us. But I am very impressed with the great words of a particular Bishop who really understood discrimination. He said.
    “To penalize someone because of their sexual orientation is like what used to happen to us; to be penalized for something which we could do nothing (about) — our ethnicity, our race. I would find it quite unacceptable to condemn, persecute a minority that has already been persecuted,”
    Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu

    We must also remember that in the US, there are many Bishops that support the rights of GLBTI people. The bishops at the Episcopal General Convention voted by 104 to 30 to “collect and develop theological resources and liturgies” for blessing same-sex relationships, to be considered at the next convention in 2012.
    The resolution notes the growing number of states that allow gay marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships, and gives bishops in those regions discretion to provide a “generous pastoral response” to couples in local parishes.

    We have our own GLBTI Churches, and we must remember the “101 Reverends” who marched in Mardi Gras made up of Nuns, Baptist Ministers, Catholic Priest, and Anglican Priest and Uniting Church Ministers.

    So at the end of the day of course I find the comments of Danny disturbing, but he is one man. The Australian Christian Lobby has just three directors, and from the Billboard campaign we know about 20 followers. These people have alienated so much of the population, even many journalist are lashing them. They more they seem to do things against us, the more the community shows support of us. We have friends, family, and co-workers. We are known. So these cults are attacking not just us, but all these good people also who support us.

  13. Will they be “protecting the children” from the breeders who beat and murder their kids?
    I didnt think so LOL! You only have to look at the treatment by the church of the thousands of kids who were sent here from Britain in the 50’s and the 60’s to see how well they “protect” children :)

  14. While it may appear that main-stream christianity is against us the LGBT peoples of the world, I want to assure you all that God…Jesus His Son…does not discriminate…He embraces us all,not matter our race,culture or sexual orientation. I do believe that the mind-set of many christians is changing and they will see the light! Pastor Danny, bless his heart, just needs an awakening of The God kind and when this happens he to will that His Jesus is my Jesus and He(Jesus) loves the gay me!

  15. Well said ! That is always my feelings on this Ronson, they are a far sight from representing any of the xtian values I was brought up with, haters living in hypocricy fear and anger:: “let us teach the world how gays are evil, then we can all gonback to my place when my wife is out for a circle jerk in the new nursery”

  16. Oh, goodie. Another one promoting hatred and vilification under the guise of Christianity. I feel so sorry for the real Christians when people like Danny use their religion as a platform for his own bigoted beliefs.

  17. Fire Ministries, bush fires, virgin burning, voices coming from a burning shrub, rise up, resurrect.
    Jesus junkies always need a victim and a sacrifice..Enjoy a horny burning and get it off. Oh yes, and the foreskin sacrifice.

  18. From what I can see Danny offers hate, lies, and salvation for a donation-not Christianity. He says God speaks to him in dreams and so he is writing the Gospel of Danny as he goes. I have heard of people like this before- Waco, Texas.

    Perhaps old Danny Boy needs to attend one of the Uniting Church anti-homophobic programs, and then maybe book himself into a clinic that might be able to help him with his mental health issues.

  19. The current invective used by the zombie jesus’ is reductive; citing us in the same sentence as pedophiles, bigamists and those whom practice polygamy. It is an old tool constantly resurrected by wowsers in times of social change, the affect being re-enforced by the Murdoch press and insecure, insincere politicians.

    Fuck off Danny!

  20. What I find about “Christians” such as Nalliah, Niles, Wallace et al is that they represent the opposite of the Christian principles I was taught and once believed in.