NRL Sharks Player Toby Rudolf Is Looking For A Mardi Gras Float To Join

NRL Sharks Player Toby Rudolf Is Looking For A Mardi Gras Float To Join
Image: Photo: Toby Rudolf/Instagram

NRL Sharks footy player Toby Rudolf is hoping someone has a spare spot for him on their float after the NRL failed to secure one in the Mardi Gras Parade.

The 27-year-old has been a proud member of the queer community and has done his best to be a spokesperson around the rugby league, especially after the drama with Manly players last year.

“I was really disappointed the NRL didn’t have a float this year.”

“I’ve been looking at the lifesavers’ float because I was a junior lifesaver at Maroubra Beach. I hope that works out.”

Rudolf backed in the league’s attempt at introducing a pride round in 2022 and also spoke with the SMH about sexual fluidity.

“Sexuality is very fluid. I’ve been out and kissed many gay men, kissed many straight women, and kissed many gay women… I’m not a one-stop shop,” he said.

“Love is love, and I love to share it with everyone. That’s probably why I love going to all the gay bars in Sydney as well. I love dancing with my shirt off and getting down Universal on Oxford Street until 2 a.m.”

And with WorldPride currently underway, Rudolf hopes people know that the majority of players are accepting and open to all.

“I really hope that NRL players aren’t in general tarred with one brush, because of what happened with the Manly situation, because I think overall NRL players are very accepting and open to all sorts of situations and I hate for a minority view to be one that’s accepted widely,” he said, as reported by QNews.

“I just wanted to have fun by getting on a float in the Mardi Gras, because it looks like a great time at Oxford Street.”

NRL Application Rejected

The NRL league has had their application rejected again this year, despite having marched seven out of the last eight years. Event organisers haven’t mentioned if the Manly jersey saga contributed to their decision.

Mardi Gras organisers have said that due to the phenomenal amount of applications received and wanted to ensure everyone’s safety, they have imposed strict limits on the number of participants.

“To ensure the safety and security of all our participants and spectators, we must adhere to strict limits on numbers of both people and vehicles involved in the event…,” Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras said, as reported by QNews.

“Demand for this year was so high that we only had capacity to accept 70 per cent of the total applications.”

At least 207 groups are slated to be participating in the parade this year.

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