Pedro Pascal’s Criticism of US Supreme Court’s Ruling On Gay Couples Is Iconic

Pedro Pascal’s Criticism of US Supreme Court’s Ruling On Gay Couples Is Iconic
Image: Without a word, Pedro Pascal has made it loud and clear how he views the US Supreme Court. Images: Pedro Pascal/Facebook/Instagram

Pedro Pascal is one of many who have joined in on the criticism of the US Supreme Court after it ruled on the LGBT+ discrimination case that will allow businesses the right to refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings.

This case made headlines last week after a web designer named Lori Smith, an evangelical Christian web designer challenged the state of Colorado’s anti-discrimination law, and used her religious beliefs as her reason.

Smith said she believed that marriage was between a man and a woman and refused to provide any services for same-sex marriages.

The conservative majority on the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favour of Smith, which dealt a blow to the queer community. But in an interesting turn of events, there has been no evidence of any same-sex couples seeking out Smith for her services. This was a hypothetical scenario.


Politicians, LGBT+ activists and even other judges have voiced their concerns over the ruling, stating it could open the door for other businesses and organisations to freely discriminate against the LGBT+ community.

LGBT+ ally and The Mandalorian star, Pascal has weighed in on the issue by wordlessly sharing an image of the Supreme Court Justices, with pride and trans flags over those who voted in Smith’s favour on his Instagram.

Image: Pedro Pascal/Instagram

Pascal’s message was loud and clear in his criticism of the ones who support anti-LGBTQI rhetoric and discrimination.

Courting Authoritarianism

Others who have condemned the ruling include Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has said that the supreme court is “creeping dangerously towards authoritarianism.”

“These are the types of rulings that signal a dangerous creep towards authoritarianism and centralization of power in the court,” she said at CNN’s State of Union.

“In fact, we have members of the court themselves, with Justice Elena Kagan, saying that the court is beginning to assume the power of a legislature right now.”

“They are expanding their role into acting as though they are Congress itself. And that, I believe, is an expansion of power that we really must be focusing on, the danger of this court and the abuse of power.”

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