GLBTI health a ‘priority’

GLBTI health a ‘priority’

Victorian health minister David Davis has released the state Coalition Government’s priority plan for the future development of Victoria’s health system.

The Health Priorities Framework 2012-22: Metropolitan Health Plan reviews Victoria’s health services and sets priorities to guide planning and development into the future. It comes in response to the expected increase in demand and changing health care needs as the population ages and disease patterns change.

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex (GLBTI) health was one of the areas highlighted in the plan. The report stated that Victorian Health will “further develop the Health and Wellbeing Plan for the GLBTI community” and listed the review of the current plan for GLBTI health as a priority alongside reviews for cancer, oral health, Aboriginal health and care for older people.

“The Victorian Coalition Government is committed to confronting the challenges that lie ahead, and creating an equitable, sustainable health system with people at its heart,” Davis said.

The report is expected to be followed by similar blueprints for rural and regional Victoria.

info: The Metropolitan Health Plan is available at

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One response to “GLBTI health a ‘priority’”

  1. The Victorian Government has spent millions trying to get 400 cows in the high country. They have moved Heaven and Earth for these cows. There are just 13 families that use the high country for cattle grazing. So whatever you think of the Liberal Party, remember that 400 cows matter more then you and your life.

    Ted Baillieu passed laws against you, excluding Same-Sex attracted people from working in thousands of government funded jobs, and giving employers the legal right to sack you on the basis of your sexuality. The Liberal Party did not do this to their beloved cows, as they matter more then you, they seek to protect them and not you. But as for human beings, fairness, dignity, and respect, are beyond the Liberal Party, as 400 cattle matter more than people.